Pledgecamp Engineering Update #13

Samuel Pullman
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2019

(See previous update here)

Hello again from the engineering team, we’re here with another update! Last week we continued planning partnership integrations with Binance and Klaytn, working on platform functionality, and integrating credit card payment processing. We’re also researching convenient and efficient ways for creators to convert PLG to fiat after receiving project funds. Projects need cash to in order to develop, manufacture, and ship rewards, so it’s critical that we enable withdrawing project funds in fiat within the platform, and with minimal fees. We’ll have more news on this in the next few weeks.

We are currently hiring backend and frontend developers, as well as a technical project manager. If you’re interested in working at Pledgecamp, check out our job descriptions and send in an application!


  • New lines of code: 221
  • Update user profile API endpoint to include recent created/backed projects
  • Improve database backup and deploy procedure
  • Remove username from database models (we’re only using email and social accounts for login)
  • Add tests for Facebook login integration


  • New lines of code: -80
  • Remove user profile and settings code from old prototype
  • Begin implementing public user profile view
  • Add main page for project dashboard
  • Make tabs “sticky” on project page
  • Update new shopping cart design
  • Implement adding rewards to shopping cart


  • New lines of code: 14
  • Improve automated contract code linting
  • Update tests for Camp Share contract

Total new lines of code: 155

This Week

This week we’ll continue working on the credit card payment integration that was planned out last week. We’ll also continue reviewing smart contracts, improving how they can securely interface with off-chain software (e.g. the platform backend), and implementing the Binance DEX and Klaytn token bridges. We will also revamp our strategy for localization (translations) on the frontend, and keep up the work on project builder, dashboard, manager, and user accounts.

