Pledgecamp Engineering Update #14

Samuel Pullman
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2019

(See previous update here)

Hello again from the engineering team, we’re here with another update! Last week we made progress on our Binance DEX token bridge, and continued working on new platform features. We removed a substantial amount of frontend code from our original click-through prototype and are busy replacing it with the new MetaLab designs. We are nearly done with the updated project dashboard, which is used to set up new projects. Next week we plan to include it in the weekly public prototype.

We are currently hiring backend and frontend developers, as well as a technical project manager. If you’re interested in working at Pledgecamp, check out our job descriptions and send in an application!


  • New lines of code: 248
  • Update API documentation
  • Add several user related API endpoints
  • Update a few project related database models
  • Enable private (backer only) project updates
  • Work on credit card payment processing


  • New lines of code: -148
  • Remove old project builder and dashboard code
  • Implement UI for basic project setup
  • Implement project rewards and overview (story) setup
  • Finish public user profile view
  • Begin private user profile view and profile edit functionality
  • Begin UI for creating project updates
  • Continue implementing user settings page
  • Begin migration to a better internationalization system

Total new lines of code: 100

This Week

This week we’ll continue working on credit card payment integration, and make a few API adjustments to accommodate frontend requirements. We’ll continue reviewing smart contracts, and start preparing for the third party audit that needs to happen before they’re released on Ethereum mainnet. We will also begin filling in some instructional content on the frontend to assist new creators and backers, and keep up the work on project builder, dashboard, manager, and user accounts.

