Pledgecamp Engineering Update #15

Samuel Pullman
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2019

(See previous update here)

Hello again from the engineering team, we’re here with another update! Last week we landed a lot of code, continued working on the Binance DEX token bridge, and added Chinese translations to our product page (

We finished implementing several frontend pages, including user account settings, project update create/edit/publish for creators, and use profile editing. We added comprehensive backend tests for user registration, login, and project updates, and made good progress on the analytics system for creators.

We are currently hiring backend and frontend developers, as well as a technical project manager. If you’re interested in working at Pledgecamp, check out our job descriptions and send in an application!


  • New lines of code: 648
  • Add project update drafts
  • Improve login/register security
  • Improve login/register and update test coverage
  • Add basic analytics for project creators
  • Begin advanced project analytics implementation
  • Add endpoint for monitoring real time project status


  • New lines of code: 1396
  • Finish implementing project update create, edit, and publish
  • Add option for private (backer only) updates
  • Add mobile layout for project menu
  • Finish migration to improved internationalization system
  • Finish user account settings page
  • User dropdown UI fixes
  • Finish private user profile view/edit

Total new lines of code: 2144

This Week

This week we’ll finish the first iteration of our project analytics system. This aggregates information such as backer count, funding, traffic sources, and referral url purchases so that creators can optimize their marketing strategies. We still have a lot of ground to cover for the platform UI, but will continue to make good progress. We onboarded a new frontend developer, so the pace should only increase.

