Pledgecamp Engineering Update #21

Samuel Pullman
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2019

(See previous update here)

Hello again from the engineering team! It’s been a while since the last update, but we are still working hard on finishing the last few MVP platform features, fixing bugs, and improving our deployment workflow. We’re also putting effort into international payment support, which is trickier due to legal differences regarding crypto related companies in different parts of the world.

Since the beginning of the project our API unit testing has been pretty good, but we’re now paying more attention to integration testing and continuous deployment. In order to do this efficiently and without too much developer headache, we’ve moved to Ansible for building test and production environments, and Jenkins for managing them. We’re also now doing end to end (E2E) testing of the frontend and API with a great tool called Cypress.

We are currently finishing up some major smart contract changes, and plan to freeze development in the next week in order to get the auditing process started.


  • Planned cart related improvements to match frontend changes
  • Planned a few new backer management APIs
  • Finished setting up test and production deploy process with Ansible
  • Fixed bug in shopping cart APIs
  • Added tests that mock time, in order to cover projects from start to finish
  • Simplified some code and added new tests for various APIs
  • Fixed bug in signup APIs


  • Set up E2E testing and implement signup/login tests
  • Added backer management UI for creators
  • Fixed several bugs in the shopping cart and checkout pages
  • Planned out a few cart related improvements
  • Updated code style rules that helped uncover a few difficult bugs
  • Several user experience fixes in the signup flow
  • Fixed various bugs discovered after a quality control review

