A Little Chatbot for Schools

Scenarios for my fact-driven journey.

Martin Schimak ☕
Eventually Consistent


It’s Monday 8:00 in the morning and Cloe Wood’s mobile phone rings. Paul Myers, one of her teachers, reports to be “knocked out” and sick for “up to three days”. The school principal looks at Paul’s time table in order to arrange for his very first lesson. It’s a mathematics lesson in the 5b class and already starts 8:30. This of course needs to be taken care of immediately …

Arranging for the first affected lesson

Everything else Mrs. Wood’s assistant will arrange for a bit later. But Mrs Wood knows that according to the substitution arrangements, there are two colleagues who are supposed to be available from 8:30 until 9:15, when the first lesson finishes. The first one is Emilia Peterson, a mathematics teacher, but she doesn’t know 5b. The second one is an english teacher, Kurt Schlesinger, who happens to teach in 5b. Mrs. Wood goes for Emilia first and gives her a call. Emilia hesitates for a moment, then says: “I believe I’m already assigned to substitute in 3a. But I will know for sure when I arrive at school.” So Mrs. Wood decides to give Kurt a call. He tells her to already be on his way and that he will be in the 5b on time. “It’s a fortunate coincidence, we can use the time for another english lesson really well!” Mrs. Wood sighs. Some things can…



Martin Schimak ☕
Eventually Consistent

I’m #storystorming your business 🤟 Modeling #DDDesign Collaboration 🍡 Processes, Sagas in Distributed Systems 👷‍♂️ @dddvienna @reactivevienna