#Learnsomethingnew : if this is your motto, then we are looking for you

Pling Foods Ltd is hiring and we want to share what’s it like to work with us

Andrine Mendez
Pling Foods : #neverbebored
6 min readJul 8, 2017


Yes ! We are hiring again and looking to grow our small and agile team. You can find details on the job openings we have here.

this blog post is sneak peak for work life with Pling Foods and meant for aspirant applicants

As we try to build our team, we feel its important that the people who applies or wants to work with us understand what its like to join our crew and be a part of a growth story.

We started our journey in February 2016 with the brand having a soft launch in November 2016. With presence in Kochi, Bangalore & Dublin we are growing slowly and steadily to become an International brand.

But how we go from here or how fast we move forward depends largely on the team behind it and for the same reason, we want to work with people who have that urge to be one step ahead and feel the constant need of learning something new everyday.

Even when we want to hire experienced people for the roles, whats important is that we do not want to work with someone who is comfortable about where they are or with someone who feels there’s nothing more to learn.

What is Pling Foods stand for

So here’s what in store for you if you are looking to work for us :

an International brand

We started this journey to build an International food brand and create products that are relevant for customers on a global level. With this in mind, we have setup a base in Dublin for EU & US expansion in days ahead and also started doing product trials with select retailers. In GCC, we are identifying distribution partners to help us navigate the market.

Now when we say an International brand, we don’t mean an Indian brand that exports products to other countries. We want customers to identify us as a local company wherever we operate and for the same reason some of the product sourcing will also be done locally wherever possible.

For some this might come across as a very immature way of doing business and might term it being all over the place. For us this looks like the best way ahead as being an asset light company helps us to focus on the front end or customer facing end much strongly giving us this possibility of growing to International markets just like at home.

Communications and products will be customized for the liking of the area we operate in.

Startup phase

We are at a really early stages of our growth which means that people who join with us today will be the ones responsible and the ones who can claim the success/failure of the brand !

We are presently a 2 -member team who handles the day to day operations but with the commercial launch closing in we need more hands on deck.

We are looking at people who like to work in an agile environment are not particular about working in a corporate setup, which we are not !

We’d like to be as less formal of an environment we can be ! a place where the CEO ,sales head, designer and copy writer can sit in an open space and brainstorm together.

Journey so far and days ahead


I used to run an advertising agency before called saltmangotree and having a work culture was the most sacred thing for me and I am hoping to continue the same here. You can find some of thing things I practiced at saltmangotree here.


This is the part where I mostly talk about myself ! No, really !

I am a firm believer of the power of communication and branding at a professional level and of ‘paying forward’ at a personal level. Pling foods being my 4th venture at 30, I look forward learn something new everyday and share whatever little I have learned from the 8+ years of running companies and being a marketing consultant.

Food business is new for me just the way advertising was new to me when I started off saltmangotree but after the acquisition of the company by a French group and having the opportunity to work with National and International brands, I wanted to do something that I knew nothing about and also leverage whatever I knew. You can read more about that here.

#Learnsomethingnew everyday

Whatever role you will be working with us, one thing I can guarantee is that you will learn something new everyday. I believe that only way to grow and to keep work life interesting is if you have an opportunity to learn something everyday or else you will be a state of ‘stillness’.

Social brand

Pling is a social brand and by that I mean we will leverage every and any mediums accessible to engage with our customers.

Be it packaging or POS activation or every day communication , we want to be connected with our customers and that’s something we have been trying to do from day 1.

From little bit of what we been doing, we are fairly successful but days ahead will have us take this into the next level.

Marketing & Branding driven company

Coming from an advertising background probably creates a bias for the emphasis for marketing and branding for a food company but then the notion is proven reason to make or break a brand in the domain.

We want to do innovative things when it comes to media and marketing or do nothing at all. We rather wait for the best content or creative than have posts everyday.

So if you are someone who’s passionate about these and want to experiment with ideas, you belong here.

Get Hands on

We don’t like laid back approach and we like our crew to be hands on with what they are doing. I personally like to be at the tasting/sampling sessions for sometime before I hand over to people hired to do the job. It’s important to be out there and get your hands dirty.

Summary of the company

Flexible working hours

We like to keep Saturday’s off and work enough to get the job done ! its not about marking your attendance in a register !

Kochi — the metro city

I love my city and though most of work will be outside the city, we like to call Kochi our home !

So there you go ! That’s whats in store if you are looking to work with us. I am sure you will have more questions in respect to your specific role which we can discuss one to one post your application.

P.S: ensure you have a covering letter or even just two lines of why you are applying for the role in our company and what we wish to achieve out of it with respect to your career.



Andrine Mendez
Pling Foods : #neverbebored

EV enthusiast & Marketing Coach | Entrepreneur in a life before |