Unlocking Career Opportunities

Shraddha’s Journey into Data Engineering

Andreas Kretz
Plumbers Of Data Science
3 min readAug 7, 2023


Meet Shraddha Kharangate, a lifelong student and seasoned professional with 7 years of experience in software development and testing in India. After facing a layoff last December, Shraddha embarked on a mission to upskill herself and land a new job. In this article, we dive into her experience with the Learn Data Engineering Academy, her journey into the world of data engineering, and the impact it has had on her career.

Finding the Right Path

When thinking about the challenges of finding profound Data Engineer training and courses, Shraddha notes that there are indeed many options available. However, not all courses provide a comprehensive syllabus that truly gives an idea of their coverage. Her search for the right fit led her to explore various options until she stumbled upon the Learn Data Engineering Academy.

Conviction through Content

Shraddha was convinced to enroll in the Academy after immersing herself in Andreas Kretz’s YouTube videos and LinkedIn podcasts. The content gave her a clear understanding of what to expect and the teaching methodology the course would encompass. The clarity and insight she gained from the content made the choice easy for her.

The Academy’s Unique Strengths

When it comes to course focus, Shraddha highlights some exceptional courses, particularly those revolving around Data Stores, which left a lasting impression. Also, she finds the hands-on example projects to be incredibly helpful. They provide a structured way to kickstart her learning journey in data engineering, laying a strong foundation for her progress. But one aspect of the Learn Data Engineering Academy that particularly resonates with Shraddha is its emphasis on the bigger picture:

“The fact that it gives the bigger picture, the overall best practices, instead of getting into the in depth details of every other cloud solution, tool or platform [is very beneficial].”

This approach allows learners to explore and apply these principles across different cloud solutions with ease, recognizing commonalities among them.

Personal Progress and Expectations

Shraddha acknowledges that mastering the concepts covered in the courses requires dedication and time for implementation. While she rates her progress so far at 4 out of 10, she is aware that true proficiency will come through hands-on practice and application. Despite this, Shraddha expresses her satisfaction with the Learn Data Engineering Academy, as it met and even exceeded her expectations.

We hope you got inspired by Shraddha’s journey. Now the big question for you is: are you ready to start your very own Data Engineering success story? Then join our Learn Data Engineering Academy today!

If you are interested, but still have a few burning questions on your mind: feel free to contact me via hello@learndataengineering.com or mention me on Twitter.

For more information and content on Data Engineering, also check out my other blog posts, videos and more on Medium, YouTube and LinkedIn!



Andreas Kretz
Plumbers Of Data Science

Data Engineer and Plumber of Data Science. I write about platform architecture, tools and techniques that are used to build modern data science platforms