📩 Tips for Making Better Decisions: Pause, Think, and Take Notes

Thaisa Fernandes
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1 min readApr 16, 2023

In our daily lives, we make a lot of decisions, some of which are simple and some that are complex. To make better decisions, it is essential to understand the context and constraints of the situation.

This can be achieved by asking relevant questions such as what is it, who does it serve, and why do they need it. Identifying your goals, doing customer segmentation, identifying pain points, presenting solutions, and addressing potential pitfalls can help you outline the structure of your decision-making process.

Defining product and business goals is crucial, and you must consider the market landscape, competitors, and what they offer. It is also essential to think big and brainstorm ideas and solutions that can solve the user’s pain points, then prioritize them based on their impact, effort, and priority.

Once you have chosen the solution, it’s important to set a vision that aligns with the broader goal and business objectives. Defining success metrics is another essential aspect of decision-making. These metrics will help you measure the effectiveness of your solution and track progress.

Effective decision-making requires a well-defined process. By following these tips, you can make better decisions and achieve your goals efficiently and effectively.

Tips for Making Better Decisions: Pause, Think, and Take Notes

See you soon.
Thaisa Fernandes

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Thaisa Fernandes
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Program Management & Product Management | Podcast Host | Co-Author | PSPO, PMP, PSM Certified 🌈🌱