Write for The Pod Parlour

Please read this if you want to join us

2 min readApr 17, 2020


The Pod Parlour is an inviting community of critical consumption for podcast enthusiasts. If you have thoughts on podcasts that are worth writing about, The Pod Parlour can help connect you with people who might think your thoughts are worth reading about.

To apply to be a staff writer, write a story here on Medium.com, then message us on twitter (@podparlour or @senorg) and include a link to the post. Please be sure to use at least one of the appropriate tags in your story (see below).

The Pod Parlour is committed to Inclusivity, Equity, and Anti-Racism. We welcome writers with a variety of opinions and tastes, but will not play host to writing that marginalizes, attacks or fosters an unwelcoming environment for others. It is important that folks from all races, ethnicities and genders can see themselves reflected here. People who disrupt or impede that will have their posts removed from the publication and their access to publishing here revoked.


When submitting your stories, the tags you use determine how they get indexed with the publication tabs. The following tags are options to use:

  • Education. The Pod Parlour is founded by Educators so this topic gets its own tab. In addition to podcasts that are aimed at education audiences, this is also where we will index posts about podcasts that help people learn.
  • Society and Culture. This is the broadest section of the PodParlour. Posts related to podcast content such as true crime, interviews, sports and just about anything else that doesn’t go with the other tabs belongs here.
  • Fiction. For posts that are about fictional podcast content.
  • World Languages. Use this tag for posts related to any podcasts that are in languages other than English. They will show up in the Non-English tab.
  • Binge Mode. The Pod Parlour has a primary focus on posts that go more granular than reviewing an entire podcast feed or season. Posts that do focus on reviewing a pod writ large will be indexed in this section.
  • Parlour Games. Use this tag when creating a Parlour Game post. For now, there is only one variety of Parlour Game but we will update as needed.

