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Discover and discuss podcasts with a community of podcast lovers. Goodreads for podcasts! (www.podyssey.fm)
Note from the editor

Discover and discuss podcasts with a community of podcast lovers. Goodreads for podcasts! (www.podyssey.fm)

Go to the profile of Daniel Mathews
Daniel Mathews
Love learning and laughing. Founder @podysseyapp. (Goodreads, but for podcasts — https://podyssey.fm). Instructor @lighthouse_labs.
Go to the profile of Melody Ma
Go to the profile of Podyssey Podcasts
Podyssey Podcasts
Discover and discuss the best podcast shows and episodes with a community of podcast lovers. We’re the Goodreads for podcasts! (www.podyssey.fm)
Go to the profile of Daniel Mathews
Daniel Mathews
Love learning and laughing. Founder @podysseyapp. (Goodreads, but for podcasts — https://podyssey.fm). Instructor @lighthouse_labs.
Go to the profile of Steph Colbourn
Steph Colbourn
Writer. Producer. Sound enthusiast. CEO.
Go to the profile of Podyssey Podcasts
Podyssey Podcasts
Discover and discuss the best podcast shows and episodes with a community of podcast lovers. We’re the Goodreads for podcasts! (www.podyssey.fm)