
The Slaver and the Fool

And what remains to be undone

Rabih Borgi
Poetry in Frenglish
1 min readJun 16, 2022


Photo by Hussain Badshah on Unsplash

The other side, mirror of faithful slavery
Of the fool who blossomed on unfaithful favors
Now paying dearly, hoarding ages in a day
And living merely through the days, not the ages

For a fool is slave not only to his folly
He is bound by the illusions of those above
His will enslaved by the greed of unholy realms
Tied to multitudes of unbreakable ribbons

Colorful threads, pink and purple, tiny and cute
Strings of dread, ropes of bondage, hiding in colors
Binding the fool, tripping the sage, trampling the voice
Of those who speak for what remains to be undone

By the Slaver, by the Fool, sides of the same coin
The left and right hands of a behemoth called Greed

To which all are slaves.

Inspired by my home country and a poem from Thief.



Rabih Borgi
Poetry in Frenglish

I’m Rabih, Lebanese, French, writing in Frenglish and hoping to make a difference.