Songs of Averno

A February love prompt response.

Rainbow Salad
2 min readFeb 24, 2024


So here I am. Remember me? And no, nope, this is not the poem! Just here to say, that I know I have been missing for a while, and likely, I will be missing more (but less than the more you may think is more), as I have decided not to get back into the habit of sharing my poems even though the motivation to do so is there. It’s just that sharing them here pushed me, at times, to write and share writings that were not…ripe yet, let’s put it this way. Pressure I only have myself to blame for, but pressure nevertheless. So yeah, after almost a year of silence (even in my Samsung notes) I am starting to write again. But you may see only this from me for a while.


When Sadie Seroxcat asked us to write about LOVE for this month on RS, I thought, what do I love more than Arthur Dewson’s ethereal poetry? Not many things…not much. So here is a love letter to his Averno series, as well as a cry for him to get back into writing.

Sing, Oh poet! of the resonance between lakes and hills full of treasure. By the sound of your words, we have travelled gli inferi et l’inferno. Met the princess of darkness and the lord of suffering, silent, amicably resting in your turquoise dress. Aquamarine, pearls of a digital Heaven, my hooves the bass and your mind the tenor. “Tenue”, delicate, waiting forlorn and for long for beads of sentences traced upon the line of hair south of your navel. Gazing, what else can we do while the depths of Averno are concealed from us? Beatrix and Persephone have asked for songs of love, I’ve grunted and roared for only you have a golden throat and a throat of gold. Prince-ss beg my pardon for I went awry and amiss and cried the pain of Ariadne. Don’t comfort me for betrayal, still, raise your hand once more and put that tongue to use, you whore.

