5Faves: (Dec22, 2016)

Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readDec 5, 2016

The 5Faves tab presents five notable poems from the best of previously published works on PoetsUnlimited from the past year.

This week’s selected favourites:

The 5Faves list updates monthly. When a notable piece pops up among our daily poems, it can be easy to miss. But it’s quick to find a few notable reads here.

Want more? You can always scroll back into older poems from the front page.


Photo: Niall Crotty via FreeImages.com

[Hopefully Medium will add controls to let us organize the order of stories in publication tabs. At that point this tab will be able to contain the stories rather than just links. :) ]



Poets Unlimited

Ross in Ottawa was founder, publisher of “PoetsUnlimited” (NOW DEFUNCT). Abandoned MEDIUM after aggressive monetization ruined the platform