“Café Hours” Avec Le Team Point Neuf

Book your slot and come meet with the whole P9 team in Paris

Christoph Janz
Point Nine Land
3 min readJun 5, 2019


We’re renting a café like this. Not this one, but similar. :)

After Kyiv and Berlin, the next stop of our #P9EUTour is Paris. On Monday we’ll pack our ordinateurs and will take off to Paris to move our HQ to the Seine for a week. On Tuesday, the day before SaaStr Europa will turn the City of Love into the City of SaaS for two days, we’ll kick things off with a full-day CTO event featuring four keynotes, two panels and 16 discussion groups with 100 tech leaders from the #P9family and some of the best CTOs from the local ecosystem. If you’re interested in learning more, my colleague Louis tells more about the full program in this post.

And in case you’re wondering why we’re going to Paris for a full week with the entire investment crew: France has a special place in our heart, and that’s not just because of the three Frenchies on our team (Louis, Clément, Renaud). Our love affair with our neighbors to the West dates back to 2012/2013, when we invested in Algolia, Mention, and Front. In the following years we invested in another six companies from France, and in the last ~12–15 months alone, we added another three French startups to our portfolio.

I don’t know if it’s the wine or the great engineering schools, but there must be *something* about the French that lets them create lots of great companies, especially the types of companies we’re focused on — B2B SaaS startups and online marketplaces with a very strong technology and a great eye for design/UX. If you’d like to learn more about the wonders of the French SaaS ecosystem, take a look at the French Cloudscape that we published in 2016 or check out Louis’ presentation from SaaStr Europa last year.

Coming back to our plans for next week, because there are way more great entrepreneurs in Paris than we can meet at our CTO meetup and at SaaStr, we thought it would be great to use the opportunity of all of us being in town to do “Office Hours”. And since we’ll be in Paris, what could be more appropriate than doing this in a traditional Parisien café? Long story short, we’ll rent a beautiful little café to do what we’ll call “Café Hours”. If you think there is a slight chance that you’re the next French unicorn (or if you’d just like to discuss startups over café au lait and a croissant or two), we’d love to meet you!

Where: A typical Parisien café, location to be announced soon.
When: Friday, June 14, 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM.
What: Café au Lait, croissants, and an occasion to spend 15 minutes with your favorite P9 crew member. ;-)
Who: Any entrepreneur who wants to meet us (first come, first serve).
How: Book here!

À bientôt!



Christoph Janz
Point Nine Land

Internet entrepreneur turned angel investor turned micro VC. Managing Partner at http://t.co/5WJ3Pepbcv.