Seriously TX Voters? You’re Still for Abbott???

Kat Loveland
Political Writings
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2022

New poll Aug 14 to Aug 29 and Abbott is still 7 points ahead. GAAH!

Seriously…What More do You Want Beto to Do Here?


Texans…we need to have a talk…

Or..uggh…maybe we don’t since apparently you don’t seem to listen or pay attention to what the hell is going on in your state??!!!?

Okay yes…Beto is getting tons of “new voters, first time voters, GOP voters who are done..” etc etc etc…then why the hell are the polls stuck?

I swear this is going to be like Bernie all over again. I’ve said it a million times, Beto is going above and beyond to win voters in Texas and it’s just not happening. He’s stuck and I have no idea why…he’s even tied with Abbott among WOMEN!! WOMEN!!?!!!! WTF??

Here’s my article about the poll from August 14th.

Now…here’s the new poll it has about a 3 pt MOE which means that there’s no way Beto is winning here.

The two polls are exactly the same result…not good.

In the race for governor, Republican Greg Abbott leads Democrat Beto O’Rourke by 7% among likely voters, 49% to 42%, with 7% undecided and 1% intending to vote for Libertarian Mark Tippetts and 1% for the Green Party’s Delilah Barrios

Among the most likely “almost certain” voters, Abbott (12%) and Patrick (11%) hold double digit leads over their Democratic rivals compared to Paxton’s single digit (8%) lead over Garza.

Abbott holds a 29% (61% to 32%) lead over O’Rourke among white voters

while O’Rourke holds a 57% (72% to 15%) lead over Abbott among Black voters, a 15% (53% to 38%) lead among Latino voters and a 9% (48% to 39%) lead among those voters with a mixed or other ethnic/racial identity.

Abbott and O’Rourke are deadlocked at 45% among women voters, while Abbott enjoys an 18% (55% to 37%) lead over O’Rourke among men. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WOMEN!!??!!! SERIOUSLY YOU’RE THIS DUMB???

Older Texans belonging to the Silent Generation/Baby Boomer cohort and to Generation X favor Abbott over O’Rourke by margins of 28% (61% to 33%) and 11% (51% to 40%) respectively. THANKS AGAIN OLD PEOPLE..NOT!

O’Rourke is the candidate of choice among Millennials and Generation Z by margins of 21% (55% to 34%) and 23% (54% to 31%) respectively. THIRTY PERCENT OF BOTH GEN Z and MILLENNIALS ARE STILL VOTING FOR ABBOTT?

Virtually every Texas Democrat (93%) intends to vote for O’Rourke compared to 2% who intend to vote for Abbott, and virtually every Texas Republican (93%) intends to vote for Abbott, compared to 2% who intend to vote for O’Rourke.

Texas Independents are relatively more evenly divided, albeit favoring
Abbott, with 47% intending to vote for Abbott and 25% for O’Rourke.

I do NOT want to hear a single peep from anyone here that the issue is lack of messaging or outreach or WHATEVER! Beto was just on the road for months going EVERYWHERE in Texas, holding rallies and spending HOURS UPON HOURS talking to people. So no…this is not a “Dems suck at messaging” issue at all.


This is all it is.

And thanks younger voters for proving my point that there’s always about 30% of the population that will vote conservative no matter what.

Now, these are likely and most likely voters…these don’t even seem to be registered or past voters so the cohort here is a decent sampling of voters in the state.

So…if these poll numbers bear out in the election, first off I am going to feel absolutely horrible for Beto who seems to have this inexhaustible faith that this time, maybe this time, the voters of Texas will do the right thing. He runs himself ragged every election and gets rejected by white voters every single time. (And yes I say that because that’s based on actual hard data)

Secondly, this proves that conservative voters have no issue with children being slaughtered, women being hunted for simply trying to get healthcare and gays being discriminated against while trying to get HIV meds…among other things that Abbott has allowed to happen. Price gouging by electrical companies and wasting billions on his useless security checks at the border and bussing immigrants to other states. White voters just want gotcha moments and soundbites of Abbott looking tough against non straight, non white people and they love their guns more than their children.

I really hope beyond hope that there’s just a random flood of new voters that surprise everyone in the polls, but history has yet to see that truly happen in a red state.

God I feel sorry for Beto. I really do.

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Kat Loveland
Political Writings

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here