While Justice Department calls Trump a Felon, Republicans Defend him — You gotta Love it!

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2018

Sunday morning shows featured a gamut of republican politicians, desperately trying to defend Donald Trump. But they are trying to defend him not from one crime but from several.

The Justice Department alleges that Trump instructed his lawyer to make illegal payments to porn stars. Of course this is an impeachable offense, considering the payoff was to hide some actions of the president that might have changed the course of the election.

Also, New York state prosecutors have been investigating Trump’s shady charity for quite some time.

The Trump Organization contributed $502,400 to the Foundation in 2017 according to recently released tax forms. But the Trump Foundation in turn didn’t disburse one penny of it, or the other $271,356 it received in unspecified donations. The information comes straight from the Foundation’s recently filed Form 990.

According to IRS rules, private charities must disburse at least 5% of the money they’ve taken in in one year. This is so donors can’t just park money in a tax free account. The Trump Foundation currently has $1.7 million in assets, but hasn’t given any of it away. -Showbiz411

New York Attorney General claims Trump’s foundation, which was supposed to go to cancer-stricken children instead, went to pay for Trump’s lavish lifestyle, including sleeping with porn stars. Money from his charity, also went to his contribution. Remember, Trump bragging how much money he was donating to his campaign? That money probably came from his charity.

Despite all of these disgusting allegations, republicans are still defending Trump.

“I personally think that if someone makes an error in filing paperwork or not categorizing, it shouldn’t be jail time, it ought to be a fine,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) said. He added that if campaign finance violations are aggressively prosecuted, “we’re going to become a banana republic, where every president gets prosecuted and every president gets thrown in jail when they’re done with office.”

Paul also went on to defend Trump’s attempt to build a hotel in Moscow DURING the 2016 elections. “This is pretty common, and I see no problem with someone running for president trying to build a hotel somewhere,” Paul said.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio was interviewed this morning on Jake Tapper. If us democrats could have a single republican defender, opposing Trump, from what he says, it sure seems like Rubio is our man. Rubio demanded that no one is above the law. And that if Trump broke any laws, he should be punished appropriately.

However, who wouldn’t say that? Of course, that is the proper thing to say. Just look at how he votes. Check this page out. According to FiveThirtyEight, Rubio has voted 96.2% in favor of Trump. If Rubio really believes what he says, and that our president could have possibly broken several laws, he sure votes every single time in his favor. If you suspected some guy of breaking several laws, would you vote almost 100% of the time for what he wanted?

I wrote this article a week or two ago. It is about Senator Lindsey Graham. At one time, he was Trump’s biggest opposition. After Trump won the nomination, Graham actually accused his party of “going bat shit crazy.”

But then, after a private golf outing between the two, Graham suddenly became his best friend. During press events, Graham continues to voice his opposition to Trump, but when all is said and done, Sen. Lindsey Graham is just another Trump bitch, blindly doing anything to satisfy their master.

Politicians could say anything they want, all that matters is how they vote.

Any republican that defends Trump has sold their souls. In doing so, they destroy the country they were elected to protect. They should rot in the prison cell next to Trump.

