I Am Proud to Have TDS

Trump Derangement Syndrome

John Lewis
Politically Speaking


Photo by Mediocre Studio on Unsplash

In one of my other articles, a commenter accused me of something that I haven’t heard used in some time; Trump Derangement Syndrome.

For those not in the know about old terms or just need a refresher, TDS

is a pejorative term usually for criticism or negative reactions to former United States President Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational, and have little regard towards Trump’s actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration. The term has mainly been used by Trump supporters to discredit criticism of his actions, as a way of reframing the discussion by suggesting that his opponents are incapable of accurately perceiving the world. — Wikipedia

Much related to the term gaslighting, it is an attempt by the Trump faithful to reduce anyone opposed to Trump in any way to a simple, easy-to-remember term that can be hurled into a conversation as if were an all-powerful grenade. While there may be people who irrationally hate Trump on principle alone, folks like myself have done their research and find him to be exactly what we fear.

We can even cite examples, easily verifiable, that prove that his carefully crafted PR persona before ever entering politics was fiction. Not that the Trump faithful will ever look at it or even admit its…



John Lewis
Politically Speaking

John Lewis was born in Europe, and came by both wanderlust and curiosity from that beginning. He considers this his Third Act in Life.