
Kellyanne Conway is Getting Back into Politics

She has joined the campaign of a senate hopeful in Ohio

Caren White
Politically Speaking
4 min readApr 16, 2021


Photo by Matthew Bornhorst on Unsplash

The race to replace Rob Portman, the Republican senator from Ohio is heating up with a familiar face joining one of the campaigns.

First, let’s talk a little bit about why Rob Portman is leaving. He said that he had two reasons. Partisan gridlock and the long Ohio to DC commute. Seriously. He has served in two administrations and both the House and the Senate.

I admire him for knowing when to gracefully leave. He is 65 years old and you know how I feel about term limits and mandatory retirement.

Truthfully though, I think it’s the so-called partisan gridlock that is hastening his exit. And Trump. Many of the old guard Republicans are leaving office because they are unhappy with the direction of the Republican Party under Trump.

Trump is enjoying the process of picking Portman’s successor.

Back in March Trump hosted a fundraiser for Max Miller who is running to replace Rep. Anthony Gonzalez also of Ohio. In attendance at the fundraiser, hoping for Trump’s endorsement were four candidates for Portman’s seat.



Caren White
Politically Speaking

Top Writer in Politics and Government. I always speak my mind. Follow me on Mastodon @carenawhite