The Fascist Playbook, Chapter Two

Love, fear, and anger

Randy Fredlund
Politically Speaking


The Fascist Playbook
Photo by the author

Patriots, I know you will always love your followers. You should make every effort to show your love for them. Embrace them and ignore all their faults and indiscretions, for they will carry you to your destiny.

Do not question their actions as long as you have their loyalty, since as long as they are loyal, they will do your bidding. But do not hesitate to throw to the wolves any who dare to cross you. You will need to do this as an example of your strength. Crush the unfaithful like the vermin they have become not only because they no longer do good works in your name, but because they defy you. Do not hesitate!

And crush them in no uncertain manner. Let them know they will never be a part of the nation you are rebuilding. Crush them not only because they have wronged you and the cause, but also as an example to others who might be tempted to stray. You offered them greatness, but they are weak and have lost their way. All must know we cannot coddle traitors.

There is no room for these haters when so many love you. The pure of heart will love you so deeply they will do anything for you. But have patience. Love needs to be cultured, managed, and brought along slowly. Bit by bit.

But never for a moment think that love makes the world go round!

That you love them and they love you is not enough. No, not nearly enough for nation-building. You must also instill fear!

The love of your followers is an indication of your greatness, but it needs expression. And nothing aids expression more than fear! Fear of losing their place in society, fear of unjust economic hardship, fear of others unlike us. And always fear of being told what to do by the unworthy!

Sell fear!

Nobody tells your people what to do! Not even you. Make no mistake, it is not yours to sketch the battle plan. No, that is better left in the hands of those who will put it into play. You must give them a vision of the new world, and reasons for action. And those actions will be yours to guide with the addition of one more tool.

Love is great, fear is motivational, but it is anger that gets them out into the streets! Anger that they are not getting their fair share. Anger that they are being used by evil people. Anger that they have been cheated. Anger that they have been lied to by the establishment. Anger that your foes are stealing from them.

Remind them of all who wish them harm.

There is never any shortage of antagonists. If you don’t immediately know who and what is making them angry, ask them. They will provide you with a myriad of maladies and bad actors you can attack.

Disregard any inconsistencies. Search not for reasons. Latch on to that which is an irritant and amplify it until it is targeted as a poison that must be eliminated at all costs!

And if you do not find enough motivational evidence, create some. Insinuations are often better than concrete facts because they take on a life of their own. Plant the seed and your followers will nurture it. Or nurture the seeds they provide.

It is helpful to provide scapegoats. Targets for rage, if you will. Some are obvious, such as your political opponents. In addition to pointing out the ruinous decisions the opposition makes daily, be sure to invent any number of transgressions and elevate them to the status of heinous crimes against society.

But there are many equally deserving targets. There is never any shortage in the ranks of the undeserving. Your fellow patriots must know that they must constantly be on guard, or all is lost.

From filthy immigrants who steal jobs to pointy-headed intellectuals who have never worked a day in their lives, there is a broad spectrum of parasites sucking the blood out of good and hard-working citizens. Blame should be showered upon the weakest portions of society. The dregs who drag us down. Do not spare them even if they have little ability to fight back. Because not only do their unproductive needs drag our great nation down, they are also a terrible example that will fester and spread like a disease.

Your strength will be wasted if you coddle their weakness.

Espouse love, sell fear, but most importantly, stoke anger!

This playbook is offered in hopes that such thought cannot stand the light of day, and that exposing fascists for who they are will help prevent their rise.

The Fascist Playbook, Chapter One



Randy Fredlund
Politically Speaking

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.