US Pres. Trump Signed Law Sanctioning on China for Interference in Hong Kong

China Vs USA Face new Clash.

Mike_Bhantz Biographies
Politically Speaking
2 min readJul 14, 2020


Breaking News

US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday (July 14, 2020) that He signed bill to punish or impose sanctions on China over oppressive acts to its neighbor Hong Kong or in response to its interference with Hong Kong’s autonomy.

US President Donald Trump also said that he signed an executive order ending the preferential treatment that Hong Kong has long enjoyed.

“Hong Kong will now be treated the same as mainland China,”

US President Donald Trump said.

“No special privileges, “

“No special economic treatment, “and

No export of sensitive technologies.

In addition to that, as you know, we are placing massive tariffs and have placed very large tariffs on China.”

Photo by Kyle Ryan on Unsplash

“Joe Biden supported China’s entry into the World Trade Organization “

A “Big Security Risk” US President said also in its speech s over Huawei Telecom .

China slammed such Bill and EO as intrusions its internal affairs and warned a massive retaliation.

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Mike_Bhantz Biographies
Politically Speaking

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