Create a Profit Generating Automated Email Marketing Funnel

How to setup email marketing?

Mike_Bhantz Biographies
The Startup
5 min readJul 6, 2020



Congratulations! on making the wise decision to grab this free guide. What you will learn inside of this report can be a game changer for your business. There is nothing better than having a highly optimized automated email funnel making you profits day in and day out.

In this guide I will walk you through the steps of the automated email funnel system.

Who this guide is for:

● Anyone looking to make money online

● Anyone looking to sell their own products online through automated funnels

● Authority figures, coaches, and experts that want to make their life easier with an automated funnel.

● And a lot more!

If you’re someone that wants to sell digital products online and you want to spend your time focusing on traffic and conversions then this is for you! Once you have this system setup you’re ready to spend most your time on traffic and conversions and this is where the real money is made online.

The amazing thing about this system is that anyone can do it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner, non technical, or anything else. While this system can sound complex it can be set up in most any autoresponder such as Aweber and GetResponse. So if you’re ready let’s dive in.

What we will cover in this guide:

● The components of a truly automated email funnel

● Why an automated funnel is so important to your business and success online.

● Content emails and why they are so important to keeping your subscribers engaged and opening.

● How to get started implementing this guide right away.

● And a whole lot more!

The Components Of A Truly Automated Email Funnel

There are a lot of components to an automated funnel. It can be hard to grasp at first but these pieces all fit together to form a well oiled machine that make money for you day and day out. So let’s look at the key pieces to an automated email funnel:

1. The two lists.​ This is super important. You’re automated funnel should consist of two lists. One that has your free leads known as the freebie list. The second list is your buyers list. This is your hot list of leads that have made a purchase from you. It’s super important to separate your leads for your promotions.

2. Promotional Campaigns.​ Next you have your promotional campaigns that promote products inside of your funnel. These campaigns are 3 to 5 day sequences promoting different offers in your funnel such as your segmentation offer, core offer, and front-end products.

3. Content Campaigns.​ These are campaigns mixed in with your promotional campaigns that deliver pure value and no promotions. These are designed to keep your subscribers opening your emails and engaged. They also help with building trust with your list.

4. The last component of the automated funnel is automations. These are your autoresponders ability to automate emails and move subscribers from your freebie list to your buyers list when someone buys.

Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

“Why An Automated Funnel”

Most entrepreneurs are constantly moving 100 miles per hour barely keeping their head above water. ​This is why an automated funnel becomes so important to your business.​ When you have an automated email funnel in your business you can stop doing 100 different things each day and focus on traffic and conversions.

Once you have your funnel setup you start putting traffic into it to see how it converts. You can start with free organic traffic, social media traffic, paid advertising, etc. The method doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re now freed up in your business to focus on things like traffic.

Now that you have traffic coming in you can start tracking your numbers. Once you see your numbers you can make adjustments to improve conversions. Just imagine would it will be like when you have an automated campaign promoting your offers on autopilot and its all converting great! That’s powerful.

Content Emails

Have you ever been on someones list that constantly sent out promotions? How did that make you feel about that person?

The beautiful thing about the Automated Email Funnel is that it is designed with conversions in mind. Your campaign will have content emails strategically placed in between promotions to build trust with your subscribers. Your subscribers will love this kind of content mixed into your campaigns.

To top things off your subscribers will keep engaging and opening your emails. When you send nothing but promotions it will quickly burn out your list which turns into unsubscribes and people not opening. Not with this system because you will have your campaign set up right.

How To Implement This System

It all starts with the automated email funnel diagram and following along with it. The key with implementing this system is implementing it one piece at a time.

Start with your offers. Do you already have a lead magnet, core offer, and offer you can user for your segmentation sale? Do you have any other front-end offers you can add into your back-end part of the campaign?

Once you have those created setup all the pages for them. The sales pages, download pages, buy buttons etc.

Next setup your lead magnet download page, squeeze page, and connect to your autoresponder. Remember to create a freebie list to connect it to.

From here it is a matter of setting up each one of the campaigns. Write an email campaign for each one of the offers in your funnel. Then add in your content sequences in between your offers.

Once you have it all in place focus on traffic and conversions. Start running traffic through your automated email funnel and see how things are converting. Then you tweak the funnel based on the results you get.

Photo by Krsto Jevtic on Unsplash

“The Next Step”

You now have a powerful system for creating an automated email funnel! However, it is only powerful if you implement what you learned today.

How would it change your business to have a funnel like this?

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

If so start implementing this today!

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Thank You.



Mike_Bhantz Biographies
The Startup

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