Case Study: Rapid Response

Medium Politics
Politics Guide
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2016

Medium can also serve as the primary place to respond to events that demand your immediate and important perspective. The place to explain what’s happening, and more importantly, what you think we should do about it. When stories break in the news, respond on Medium:

Senator Bernie Sanders challenges The Washington Post

After a reporter leveled criticism at Senator Sanders for the language he used to describe Donald Trump on Twitter, Sanders came to Medium to responded with an explanation and an inquiry; Is it wrong to call Trump a liar when he “makes assertions heard by billions of people around the world that have no basis in fact?”

Glenn Beck shares his thoughts after meeting with Mark Zuckerberg

Following reports that Facebook was routinely suppressing conservative news in content. A meeting was help with prominent conservative leaders and Facebook executives. Glenn Beck attended that meeting and shared his thoughts the next morning on Medium:

Ben Rhodes pushes back on a Washington Post profile

After a long profile on Ben Rhodes ran in the Washington Post including details on how the Obama Administration advocated for the Iran Deal, Ben Rhodes quickly published his response objecting to the Post’s characterization and offering his take on “How We Advocated for the Iran Deal”:

Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump: “We’re not barring Muslims from entering the country.”

Donald Trump raised some eyebrows when called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”. Hillary Clinton took to Medium to quickly repudiate and challenge that notion:

Jay Carney challenges reporting from The New York Times

After The New York Times published a report detailing a less-than-flattering corporate culture, Jay Carney, VP for Corporate Affairs at Amazon, pushed back on the Times reporting tactics and conclusions, and offered additional details that went unreported with “What The New York Times Didn’t Tell You”:

Karl Rove responds to Ted Cruz’s account of events

In a passage from his new book, A Time for Truth, Ted Cruz described what happened when former President George H.W. Bush donated to his campaign for Texas attorney general in 2009, saying that Karl Rove “suggested that the elder Bush was too old to have any good judgment anymore.” Karl Rove then took to Medium to dispute his version of events:



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