Overview of the current crowdloans on Polkadot. The 2nd batch of parachain auctions.

John Mental
Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam
8 min readDec 15, 2021

The whole community was looking forward to the launch of the first auctions for the Polkadot parachain slot. However, the first parachains are not yet secured to the Polkadot relay chain and the second battle of auctions for the parachain is going to start soon. We would like to tell you about the most interesting projects in this batch.

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Overview of the current crowdloans on Polkadot.

Centrifuge is the bridge for real-world assets to DeFi — unlocking liquidity without banks or other intermediaries. Businesses are using Centrifuge today to access the liquidity that DeFi offers, while investors finance assets for an attractive, stable yield.

Token Value

As the utility of Centrifuge grows, the Centrifuge token will capture the growing value provided to users of the network through each of the utilities described below. This value is primarily captured in the use of CFG for transaction fees, and additionally through its importance in Governance of the network.

Token Distribution

Current Snapshot, 425M CFG The initial Centrifuge Token Generation Event was executed by the Centrifuge Network Foundation. The initial distribution created 400,000,000 CFG, which was distributed to the Foundation and initial contributors, including; the core team, investors, and validators. Since genesis, roughly 25 million additional tokens have been minted as rewards for adoption.

Vesting Schedule

Core contributors and initial backers unlock linearly per month for 1 year starting July 2021. The core team members have 48 month lock-ups when they join, with a 12-month cliff. Rewards that have been distributed have no lock-ups.

Crowdloan Rewards

Crowdloan Allocation: 15% of the total supply.
There is no fixed base reward. 15% of the network (67.5 million CFG), is reserved for contributions to the DOT crowdloan. The reserved supply will be distributed to all crowdloan participants as a base reward (this does not include bonuses, which are minted on top!).
Early Birds: Earn an extra 10% bonus if you contribute DOT in the first 72 hours.
Referral bonus: extra 5% bonus for both sides.
Institutional support: 5% extra bonus if contribute more than 5,000 DOT.
Loyalty bonus: 5% extra bonus for loyalty, for backers who supported Altair crowdloan. Make sure to use the same account as for KSM contribution.

Participate in the Centrifuge crowdloan and get extra 5% rewards in CFG tokens!


More Centrifuge resources:
Website | Telegram | Twitter | Medium |Discord | Crowdloan page

interBTC, Interlay’s flagship product, is Bitcoin on any blockchain. Backed by multi-collateral insurance, interBTC resembles an algorithmic stablecoin pegged to and redeemable 1:1 for Bitcoin (i.e. a hybrid).

interBTC will bring radically open Bitcoin to Polkadot to kickstart liquidity for parachains like Acala, Moonbeam, Parallel, HydraDX, and many others.

In parallel, the team is working on bringing interBTC to Cosmos, Ethereum, and other major DeFi networks.

INTR Token Model

Interlay will be governed by its community from day 1 — via INTR, Interlay’s governance token. Interlay will go live via a fair launch scheme. Below is a summary of the Interlay token economy, as described in the token economy whitepaper (EN) released by Kintsugi Labs.

INTR tokens will be distributed to network participants, builders and early backers as airdrops and block-rewards. There will be no public sale or ICO.

The INTR token main purposes:

  • Governance: INTR token holders stake their tokens to make and vote on governance proposals.
  • Utility: Mid-term, Interlay will support transaction fee payments in INTR and other digital assets, in addition to DOT.

Supply and Emission

INTR features an unlimited supply. The emission schedule is defined as follows:

  • 1 billion (1,000,000,000) INTR emitted over the first 4 years
  • 2% annual inflation afterwards, indefinitely.

Token Distribution

About Interlay auctions

  • Target slot:6–11
  • Lease duration:8 periods (maximum lease duration ~96 weeks)
  • Maximum lockup target:21,000,000 DOT soft cap if clear leader (50,000,000 DOT hard cap)
  • Crowdloan:10% of the initial 4-year INTR supply (100 million INTR)

Interlay features the following special rewards:

  • Early Bird: 10% Contribute before start of Auction #6 (23 December)
  • Challenges: 2.5% Solve Interlay quiz (try now), 2.5% Mint interBTC on testnet (try now) — MUST use same account!
  • Referral program: 5% each for the referrer and referred. Minimum crowdloan contribution required for both accounts.
  • Kintsugi Legends: 2.5% If you contributed to Kintsugi crowdloan (MUST use same account!)
  • Maximum lockup target: 21,000,000 DOT soft cap if clear leader (50,000,000 DOT hard cap)
  • Strong supporters: 10% Contribute more than 50,000 DOT
  • kBTC user bonus (tbc): Mint kBTC and/or run a Vault with collateral. Will be announced ad-hoc!


30% available when transfers are enabled. 70% vests linearly over 96 weeks

Participate in the Interlay crowdloan and get 5% extra INTR tokens!


More Interlay Resources:
Website | Telegram | Twitter | Medium |Discord |Crowdloan page

Composable is a full technical stack that is driving the evolution of digital assets and DeFi protocols. It enables the unification of functionality, across all blockchain ecosystems.
The protocol will connect L2s to the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems and the Cosmos Ecosystem through the IBC protocol. Composable will include other ecosystems in future such as Algorand Solana and more.

Token Distribution

Composable’s LAYR token will govern the Composable parachain. The total supply of 100,000,000 LAYR tokens will be distributed according to the following figure, with more information about each distribution channel below:

LAYR Token Use Cases

  • The Composable parachain as well as the overall Composable ecosystem will provide a multitude of use cases for LAYR tokens:
  • Staking LAYR to get free/reduced-fee transactions or earn part of protocol fees
  • LAYR staked by the oracle pallet on our Polkadot parachain
  • Composable Labs — staking LAYR gives tokens from the LAYR ecosystem
  • For governance decisions on the pallets upgraded to LAYR and voting for additional network/bridge support
  • For staking by Mosaic validators
  • Staking LAYR by relayers and collators
  • Payments for SDK services
  • Staking by Routing nodes
  • Staking by Insurer nodes

Crowdloan Rewards

  • 5% bonus to those who staked in the first 24 hours
  • 5% bonus to those who previously contributed KSM and stablecoins to the Picasso Crowdloan
  • 10% bonus to stakers in the first three days of opening the crowdloan


Composable will be offering 12% of LAYR supply to crowdloan contributors, with 25% vesting on TGE, and the remainder vesting over 1.5 years.

Participate in the Composable crowdloan using our referral link!


More Composable Resources:
Website | Telegram | Twitter | Medium |Discord |Crowdloan page

Equilibrium is a cross-chain DeFi Dapp that combines a money market and a spot market with margin trading. The platform performs the full gamut of DeFi functions from pooled lending and synthetic asset generation to decentralized trading.

Token Use cases

  • Governance token EQ holders have a say in system changes and EQ-weighted votings
  • Platform currency. Users pay transaction fees for operations on Equilibrium’s Substrate and product fees in EQ
  • Bailout liquidity. Liquidity providers can earn yield by locking EQ in Equilibrium’s liquidity pools
  • Staking opportunities. EQ holders receive rewards on their tokens staked to Equilibrium’s governance

Token Distribution

The Equilibrium native token is EQ. It enables the community governance of Equilibrium. It can be used for transaction fees, product fees, and platform liquidity on Equilibrium.

Initial supply: 12 billion EQ.

Token Allocation Percentage Description

  • 20% Parachain Auction Rewards
  • 5% Allocation for strategic investors
  • 25% NUT/EQ token swap Allocation for NUT token holders who migrated from EOS blockchain Liquidity farming
  • 10% Liquidity Farming
  • 15% Team allocation with 2 year vesting period Treasury
  • 25% Treasury allocation for future funding and acting as insurance of last resort.

Crowdloan Rewards

The pool of core rewards (1.5 billion EQ) will be distributed to contributors. Each contributor can expect a base reward of 200 EQ per each DOT locked for Equilibrium. The team reserves the right to increase the base reward ratio if required.

Bonus rewards

Bonuses will accrue on top of the core rewards. There will be three separate bonus streams: one for community supporters, one for institutional participants, and one from the referral pr†ogram.

Community supporters

Equilibrium community will be rewarded according to the following model:

Institutional participants

If you are contributing more than 10,000 DOT at once from a single Polkadot address, you can expect a bonus for this particular contribution according to the following table:

Referral program

The team has introduced a referral program that lets you earn EQ on crowdloan contributions.

Here is the referral bonus structure:

More Equilibrium Resources:
Website | Telegram | Twitter | Medium |Crowdloan page

Participate in Equilibrium crowdloan using our referral link and get extra 3% in EQ tokens.


PromoTeam is a diverse team of specialists and blockchain activists with various skills that actively promotes the Polkadot ecosystem in the English-speaking and Russian communities.

Our main activity is content production, offline and online event organization, community management and creation, product marketing, development of ambassador programs.

We also run validator nodes for Polkadot and Cosmos blockchains and participate in the Polkadot ecosystem projects as investors, advisors and contributors.

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Follow all the latest info on crowdloan through 👉 Crowdloan Info Bot

Contact us: polkadotpromoteam@gmail.com

