Polkadot Ecosystem Weekly Digest. Dec 6 — Dec 12

Polkadot News
Polkadot News
Published in
5 min readDec 12, 2021

Parachain auctions and crowdloans

Top 5 Polkadot auction crowdloan participants by the 13th of December:

Polkadot / Kusama

  • As parachains go live on Polkadot, join the epic party to celebrate the official launch on December 18th at 1pm CET! Tune in online to the Polkadot Parachain Party to celebrate this historic milestone for the Polkadot ecosystem. Save the date, details will follow.
  • Referendum 43, proposing to increase the number of validators in the active set to 400, has recently ended as not passed.
  • Referendum 158, to add Encointer as Kusama’s second common good parachain, has passed community vote. The proposal will enact in approximately 6 days, and Encointer will be onboarded as a common good parachain at the beginning of lease period 18.
  • There is a proposal on Stack Exchange for a Q&A site for building blockchains with Substrate. The proposal is currently in the “Commit” phase, and you can help to get across the finish line. This is a big deal as it helps establish a public space for Substrate.
  • The latest updates from teams in the Substrate Builders Program. The December 2021 milestone update introduces:
    - 4 teams that have reached their 1st milestone:
    - 1 reaching their 2nd milestone;
    - and another reaching their 3rd and final milestone.


  • Zenlink has plenty of news for the last two months:
    - tokenomics launched
    - deployed on Moonriver Network and Bifrost Finance
    - complete IYO and enable ZLK transfer
    - partnered with Moonbeam Network & Anyswap Network
  • Zenlink reminds all ambassador applicants to check their inbox for an email they sent. Follow the email instructions to join the Official Zenlink Discord Server and stay tuned!
  • Zenlink will support the vETH (the Bifrost Finance ETH2.0 derivative) entry into the Polkadot ecosystem. vETH/ETH Bootstrap Pool will be launched on ZenlinkPro DEX first, and users will be rewarded with ZLK for contributing to the Bootstrap Pool.

Acala / Karura

Acala Foundation proposed opening a bidirectional HRMP channel between Karura Network and Statemine. This will enable crosschain communication between Karura and Statemine to enable various use cases including crosschain token transfer.

Edgeware / Kabocha

Kabocha is developing it’s every stage through public discussion with the Edgeware community. This post outlines a potential crowdloan strategy for incentivising the EDG community to also lock KSM in order to activate their balances.


RMRK introduced its own metaverce — Kanaria: Skybreach. It will include:

  • An evolving world of Sky-islands merging and breaking apart over time.
  • An in-game economy that permits crafting, recipes, transport services, renting and more. Under the hood of Skybreach is the RMRK 2.0 specification, that facilitates the launch of NFT legos in their full glory with equippable, composable NFTs representing skills, personalities, brains, resources, constructions.
  • A full world-wide governance using Kanaria NFTs (its original inhabitants).


Pontem network announced their newest partner — DIA (Decentralised Information Asset), integrating their oracles into the Pontem Networks on Kusama and Polkadot.

Astar / Shiden

Shiden is excited to announce that AirGap (Wallet) got approved for Shiden Builders Program! The development is split into two phases: the integration of Shiden and then building on that foundation for Astar Network.

Phala / Khala

  • KHALA REFERENDA 012 is open for voting. This is a proposal from the Phamily member l00k. He is proposing Khala to adjust tokenomics params to reflect the difference in block time.
  • Phala Network launched Fat Contract — a smart contract product based on the Phala Network privacy contract concept. This is a new type of smart contract product that focuses on serving Web 3.0 back-end function-level services. Details.

HydraDX / Basilisk

Basilisk crowdloan rewards have been distributed. All transfers between BSX wallets are freezed until the LBP has been conducted. All crowdloan supporters will have their HDX bonuses tripled. HDX balances will remain frozen until HydraDX mainnet. Details.


StaFi Protocol rToken App has integrated Tidal’s insurance services for rETH holders. In order to incentivize the rETH holders to purchase the rETH insurance, the insurance premium will be only 1% instead of the 4% (yearly cost).

Nova Wallet

Nova Wallet received approval for the treasury proposal on Kusama Network. They are going to continue the development of high-quality Nova Wallet App mobile apps & SDKs for Polkadot & Kusama.

Equilibrium / Genshiro

Genshiro application is officially listed in Ledger Live. Check out the comprehensive guide to enhance your experience . Also you still can join their Farm Fest with 50% APR.

Moonbeam / Moonriver

  • With the new Moonriver Network runtime upgrade, each round is increased to 600 blocks (previously 300 blocks), and the exit delay is extended to 24 rounds (approximately 48 hours) from two rounds (approximately 2 hours).
  • Moonriver has rapidly become an NFT hub in the Kusama Network. Let’s highlight a native pirate-based NFT project in Moonriver called Damned Pirates Society.

Composable Finance / Picasso

Picasso collaborated with YumiArtsNFT to showcase a “Picasso” inspired NFT created using RMRK. To participate in the giveaway, follow ALL three steps in the poster.

Manta / Calamari

  • Manta released the Dolphin Testnet. Dolpin is the testnet for MantaPay (Manta Network on Polkadot) and MariPay (Calamari Network on Kusama). On Dolphin, users will be able to try out privacy payment services, which will be similar on Manta and Calamari.
  • Find Manta Network documentation here and video tutorial here.


Joystream DAO is now using the newest version of the Subsquid Protocol and continues to build the blockchain-native, improved version of video sharing services like YouTube.


Cere Network launches first decentralized data cloud with Polkadot and Polygon integration.


RAZE: privacy all year round. More details here.

Unique / Quartz

Quartz is live on Kusama Network. This is the start of a movement that will enable advanced NFT features for the entire Kusama Network.

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Polkadot News

Polkadot Ecosystem: Weekly Digest and Projects overview. Polkadot Ambassador.