Polkadot Ecosystem Weekly Digest. May 2–8

Polkadot News
Polkadot News
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2022


Polkadot News Review:

Polkadex, the orderbook-based decentralized exchange aiming to become the trading engine of Web3 has won the 16th Polkadot parachain auction. So what is Polkadex? Read our latest review: Polkadex wins Polkadot’s parachain slot!


  • 🔥Parachain messaging is now live on Polkadot, after v9190 upgrade was enacted on-chain: parachain-to-parachain communication is now enabled with XCM. Polkadot’s vision of cross-chain interoperability started.
  • Polkadot’s common good parachain Statemint was upgraded allowing users to mint assets (like NFTs), and teleport DOT with the Relay Chain. This marks the true launch of Statemint and its functionality.
  • “28 more parachain auctions are scheduled until February 2023. Accounts made all-time-highs around the time of the first parachain slot auction. Polkadot has an evenly distributed validator set, with 99% of validators having 1.8–2.6 mil DOT staked” — State of Polkadot Q1 2022.
  • Congratulations to Polkadex on winning Polkadot’s 16th parachain auction and to Bifrost on winning Kusama’s 33rd auction! To Bifrost it is the second auction Bifrost has won and this time without a crowdloan.

Acala / Karura

  • Acala will begin opening communication channels with other parachains in the coming few days, which enables cross-chain message and token transfers, including aUSD.
  • Looking for ways to earn with your unlocked KSM? Stake your KSM on Karura and start earning ~34% APY. Staking KSM on Karura will earn 19.9% APY in KSM rewards & 14.6% APY in bonus aUSD stablecoin rewards. Check the guide.


  • Bifrost has successfully bid slots 21–28 before the Kusama Parachain slots expire. In the future Bifrost will migrate main protocols from Kusama to Polkadot.
  • OriginTrail has successfully integrated Bifrost SALP for Polkadot Crowdloan. Anyone who contributes for OriginTrail via Bifrost will receive an additional bonus of 0.04 BNC per DOT.
  • Bifrost rewards for OAK Crowdloan have been already issued


  • What’s next for Polkadex after having secured a parachain slot? Thea, IDO and Orderbook are coming! Essential thread from @gauthamastro.
  • You can now bring tokens from Ethereum over to Polkadex and back as Thea deposits and withdrawals are now live on the Polkadex testnet.

Litentry / Litmus

  • If you were using a refund from Parallel Finance to contribute to the Litentry Crowdloan Batch 3 via other platforms, fill this form to claim your rewards.
  • Binance Staking has officially launched LIT Locked Staking. Users can now stake LIT to earn multiple rewards up to 61.99% APY.

Astar / Shiden

Interlay / Kintsugi

  • The INTR tokens reserved for bonuses assumes that 100% of crowdloan participants will earn/receive all possible bonuses which is not the case.
  • Any remaining INTR tokens from allocation to bonuses will also be dropped to crowdloan participants in proportion to their contribution. Start your INTR claim process now.

Centrifuge / Altair

  • Here is everything that has happened in the Centrifuge ecosystem in the past month.
  • Centrifuge crowdloan reward claims are now available for those who contributed via Parallel Finance, Bifrost and Equilibrium. Claim here.

Moonbeam / Moonriver

  • Gelato has deployed its automation infrastructure to Moonbeam Network and now enables multi-chain dApp developers to automate smart contract executions. Read the announcement.
  • DOT is now live & usable in DeFi on Moonbeam. Following this XCM release, Moonbeam has added xcDOT (an XC-20 representation of DOT) on its parachain.
  • Mintverse has completed its integration with Moonbeam Network, bringing its NFT aggregation marketplace and all its features to the ecosystem.
  • Wanchain has integrated new bridges: Wanchain — Moonbeam, Moonbeam — Polkadot, Moonbeam — Moonriver. As well as bridges that are compatible with Moonriver’s Substrate crosschain assets xcKSM, xcKAR, xcKINT, xcRMRK, xcBNC, and xcKBTC.


  • Zenlink X-Transfer now supports cross-chain transfers for DOT between Polkadot relaychain and Moonbeam. More xcDOT use cases are coming to Zenlink.
  • GLMR/xcDOT LP farming is finally active. Bootstrap pool contributors can now claim their LP tokens and rewards, and stake LP tokens in the farming pool to start earning ZLK & GLMR rewards.

Composable Finance / Picasso

  • Composable Finance is Introducing the Composable XCVM: achieving mainstream DeFi adoption means ecosystems that exist across different chains are able to communicate, and developers are able to build interoperable dApps.
  • Learn more about Composable Labs. It is the research, development and incubation arm of Composable Finance. Labs functions as the interoperable research and cross-chain development hub for the DotSama and broader DeFi ecosystem.
  • Picasso wants to achieve the most effective tokenomics possible. They are pleased to present the first financial NFTs on Substrate.
  • Angular Finance (by Composable Finance) has completed the seed funding round, raising $1.8 million at a $25 million valuation. Investors include CMS, Figment_io, BigBrain Holdings, 0xVentures, HashCIB, Illusionist Group, Hailstone Ventures, a41, and others.

Manta / Calamari

  • Time to bridge assets between Calamari and Karura networks — vote on these two proposals with your KMA to enable privatization of KAR, AUSD, and LKSM through Calamari.

Parallel Finance / Heiko

  • A few days ago Parallel Finance launched the 1st ever DOT Liquid Staking product on Polkadot. Now you can stake with Parallel to earn high yields while still remaining liquid.
  • Did you support a KSM crowdloan project that unfortunately did not win a parachain slot this time around? If so, remember that you can still have your KSM refunded. Follow the steps in this guide from Parallel to learn how.

Equilibrium / Genshiro

Equilibrium is gearing up to launch the EQ coin. To convey their gratitude and appreciation to early Equilibrium supporters they are opening the much awaited Whitelist. Join it here.

Enjin / Efinity

Enjin is excited to welcome IKONIC to the Enjin & Efinity ecosystem. The NFT marketplace will be integrated with Efinity, allowing users to mint NFTs on the eco-friendly Polkadot-based network. Details.

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Polkadot News
Polkadot News

Polkadot Ecosystem: Weekly Digest and Projects overview. Polkadot Ambassador.