Spreading the Seeds —August 2022

Here’s what’s happening at Pollinate Magazine

Y.L. Wolfe
Pollinate Magazine
4 min readJul 31, 2022


Happy National Orgasm Day, everyone! That’s right, it’s National Orgasm Day. May you celebrate this holy Sunday with lots and lots of sex — with your partner or with yourself!

And what a perfect way to kick off Pollinate’s August series…


Each month, we host a series of stories focusing on a central, topical theme. We present this theme to our writers and challenge them to consider this topic as it applies to their lives. Last month, we focused on the theme of Creativity. This month, we’re going to explore the theme of Sex & Erotica.

What does sex mean to you? What sexual experience opened your mind (or heart, or body, or all three)? How do you express your sexuality? What makes your toes curl under? How does your sexuality bridge your spirituality? What have you learned about your sexuality over the course of your life? How can we approach sexuality more holistically and healthily as a culture?

Share your thoughts with us! We’re welcoming opinion pieces, erotica, sexy poetry, personal essays, and whatever else you want to write! Sexuality is an infinite spectrum of experience, so we’re open to it all! If you’d like you can explore the Sexuality section at Pollinate Magazine to tap into the flow of previous submissions.

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, August 17th. Please use the tag “SEX AND EROTICA.”

Everyone’s articles for this month’s theme will be published on Monday, August 22nd. (See the note below to learn more about how our series publication process works.)

If you aren’t already writing for Pollinate but want to submit for consideration visit here and then contact Yael Wolfe at welcome[at]yaelwolfe[dot]com to ask to be added as a writer.

If you just want to read this series, join us by following along on Medium and Instagram.

A note about the monthly series:

Typically, we will publish all the articles on the third or fourth Monday of each month. This way, we can capture readers as they are engaging, giving them a chance to continue exploring the theme with other articles in the series. In other words, they can “binge” the material.

We find this attracts and retains readers more than a daily release of each article, and it allows us to publish as many articles as we can, whereas a daily release would limit that.

Each writer will be featured individually on Pollinate’s Instagram account, so every article gets its own “day in the spotlight.”

Our Month in Review


How do you save the world? Two of our writers named creativity as the answer. Another writer shared how allowing your creative process to flow is a beautiful way that humans connect and deepen relationships. And you’ll even find a beautiful piece that shares tips on how to romance your creative energy and put it to good use.

You can read everything here.

Looking Forward


As you can imagine, Pollinate has a deep love for nature. Our biannual retreats give participants the opportunity to root into their connection with nature. We host outdoor events throughout the year. And of course, there’s our name, which was chosen to illustrate one of our core values — the ritual of connection as a means of nourishment and inspiration.

So yes, we’re always looking for an opportunity to put nature in the spotlight. And here it is.

The deadline is Wednesday, September 14th. (To be published the following Monday. Use the tag NATURE 2022.)

Pollinate always welcomes submissions that don’t fit into the monthly series, but that focus on one of our regular topics: Spirituality, Relationships, Sexuality, Culture, or Nature. Please be sure to use the appropriate topic as a tag.

Pollinate Magazine Special Series: The Year Ahead

SEPTEMBER 2022 — Nature

OCTOBER 2022 — Forgiveness

NOVEMBER 2022 — Death

DECEMBER 2022 — Prosperity

We’re working on the 2023 editorial schedule and we’d like your thoughts! What topics should come back? What topics should we add? What topics should be benched? Email you recommendations to welcome@yaelwolfe.com by September 1st.

Pollinate Scribes’ Hive

Just a quick reminder about our Facebook group, Pollinate Scribes’ Hive. If you haven’t joined this private group yet, send a request. If you haven’t posted recently, let us know what you’re working on, what’s teasing your brain, what life looks like for you. We’re interested.

More About Pollinate Ritual

Pollinate Ritual helps humans create and maintain soul-centered communities. There are infinite ways to achieve this and we are exploring many of them at Pollinate Ritual with intentionality, ritual, and heart. We host a variety of events in localized communities throughout the year, ranging from hikes and forest adventures to soulful retreats, such as the upcoming Pollinate Women’s Weekend. Whatever we do, we try to bring forth the true nature of community.

Pollinate Magazine is one of the ways we have created community, by bringing together writers as they share their thoughts, visions, and experiences on the page. The ritualistic nature of writing makes this a natural extension of the Pollinate experience — every writer, after all, goes through a similar process that leads them from inspiration to the finished product. Our monthly series allows us to create a community space around shared themes, harnessing the power of the ritual of writing.

Thank you so much for reading, thank you for writing, and thank you for being a part of this beautiful, soulful community. Each one of our voices contributes to this space and we are so grateful for each and every one of you.

With love,

Kathryn & Yael
Pollinate Editorial Staff

© Pollinate Magazine 2022



Y.L. Wolfe
Pollinate Magazine

Gender-curious, solosexual, perimenopausal, childless crone-in-training. | Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gleDcD | Email: welcome@yaelwolfe.com