The Best Polyamory Resources

Where to look for information, guidance, and connection

Rachael Hope
Polyamory Today


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

My journey into polyamory began with a friend and a book. In the days after my divorce, a delightful new friend lent me “The Ethical Slut,” and I began to discover the language around feelings deep within me. I was lucky. This friend and then my boyfriend led me to a local sex-positive center that hosted a monthly Polyamory Discussion Group. Within a month, I began building myself a community.

For many people, it’s not that easy. Having someone literally hand you one of the best books around on polyamory is pretty lucky! But what if you don’t know polyamorous people? Here are the best resources I’ve come across for understanding and exploring polyamory.


Polyamory Weekly

The Polyamory Weekly website includes short blog posts relating to the episodes covered in the Polyamory Weekly podcast, resources, FAQs, and links to class information.

The world of podcasts can be overwhelming, but it’s also a blessing for niche topics and their accessibility in the world at large. Poly Weekly is a podcast produced by Cunning Minx, a poly and kinky sex-positive educator. She and her co-host, Lusty Guy, have decades of real-life poly experience to draw on. Now in its…



Rachael Hope
Polyamory Today

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.