Go to Pool Data
Pool Data
Pool believes in a world where data is controlled by those who create it. That’s why we are building Pocketapp.io to ensure millions of people can get rewards and insights from their personal information.
Note from the editor

Pool believes in a world where data is controlled by those who create it. That’s why we are building Pocketapp.io to ensure millions of people can get rewards and insights from their personal information.

Go to the profile of Shiv Malik
Shiv Malik
CEO of Pool instigating Data Unions. Author. Broadcaster. Former investigative journalist. Passionate about economics, decentralization & mutualism.
Go to the profile of Gilbert Hill
Gilbert Hill
Privacy Technologist, Strategy, Policy & AI data governance , Senior Tutor @theidm, lapsed Archaeologist, SE London, bass & guitar muso
Go to the profile of Jay Glow
Go to the profile of Matt Brown
Matt Brown
Chief Design Officer, Pool
Go to the profile of Molly Earles
Molly Earles
Executive support and operations professional in tech and web3
Go to the profile of David Loewe
Go to the profile of Gilbert Hill
Gilbert Hill
Privacy Technologist, Strategy, Policy & AI data governance , Senior Tutor @theidm, lapsed Archaeologist, SE London, bass & guitar muso
Go to the profile of Tamsin Bishton
Tamsin Bishton
Partner and Founder at Wilsome, research and strategy for those who are making their own path
Go to the profile of Charlie Peverett
Charlie Peverett
​I’m a researcher and content strategist who helps people find and tell powerful stories.
Go to the profile of Molly Earles
Molly Earles
Executive support and operations professional in tech and web3