Team foundation server 2010 RTM installation steps, errors and workarounds

Technorati Tags: Installation,Errors,Steps,Workarounds,R2,SP2,Collation,Latin1_General_CI_AS,accent sensitive,case insensitive,reporting services,databases,power tools,Team Foundation Server 2010

capturing Barcode scan using C#

Technorati Tags: Barcode,C#,Code Sample,Scan

It is know that barcode when scanned, it prints one letter at a time when it is scanning and once scan is complete, it inserts an carriage return at the end.

Switching between Https and http while accessing wcf/asmx service

Technorati Tags: WPF,clickonce,WCF,webservice,tweak,c#,Fix,SSL,Function

There may be an instance where we might have to test the clickonce application on production on SSL and stage on port…