PositiveBlockchain exploring Blockchain for PPPs in Sustainable Health

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3 min readOct 6, 2018

PositiveBlockchain is now supporting the initiative of establishment of UNECE PPP Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Health in Frankfurt am Main to explore ways of using blockchain for Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in the Health Sector.

  • The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 17 has given a high priority to partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society, as a means of achieving the UN 2030 Development Agenda.
  • Achieving the goals, such as access to safe water and sanitation, universal healthcare comes with a huge price tag and commitment. Not surprisingly therefore, that special attention has been given to PPPs because of their ability to generate associated financial resources, introduce innovation, and optimize the delivery of essential public services.
  • The United Nations 2030 Agenda emphasizes the role that innovation plays in support of sustainable development. Blockchain is one of the emerging innovations and can be used to advance the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs. This technology can be a powerful lever to bring together all the stakeholders involved in value chains and those regulating them: producers, intermediaries, the final consumer — and governments.
  • PositiveBlockchain, as active supporter of the Initiative, will help identify such solutions and assess how they can answer current challenges in the health sector. Within the Initiative, the working group on Blockchain for PPPs in Sustainable Health is established in order to engage with various stakeholders from the blockchain, healthcare and PPP ecosystems to find common ground of understanding for impact projects contributing to Sustainable Health.

If you are interested to join the first meeting of the working group on Blockchain for PPPs in Sustainable Health that will take place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany on the 17th of October, please contact us at hello@positiveblockchain.io.

The speakers will be Ing. Natalia Korchakova-Heeb, Managing Director, SDG.17 Consulting GmbH, Lucas Zaehringer, Country Manager at Avertim and Founder of PositiveBlockchain.io, Tri Nhan Vu, Founder of Chainist.de.

Stay in touch with the Initiative on establishment of UNECE PPP Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Health and receive next updates of this working group:

Newsletter Blockchain for PPPs in Sustainable Health

Read the article on the original website.

About: PositiveBlockchain.io is the open-source database, media platform and community exploring the potential of blockchain technologies for social and environmental impact. Learn more about our story.

UPDATE 18.10
Yesterday’s first meeting in Frankfurt:

We brought around the table a rich and inter-disciplinary crowd made of IT / blockchain developers, people from social impact field, PPP specialist, someone from a development bank, people from the healthcare sector..

We brainstormed current health access/ tech/ trust challenges and exchanged about existing or potential digital/blockchain solutions.

Next step will be to refine the list of challenges, prioritize, assess potential solutions and need of technology, and prepare a survey to better understand the situation of end users and PPP practitioners.

Thank you to all participants and Nhân Trí Vũ from Chainist.de for the facilitation!

Slides Blockchain in Sustainable Health: http://bit.ly/2yn2ctg

UPDATE 28.11
Second meeting in Frankfurt, Germany

We are preparing a participation to the MakerDays 2019 in Mainz, Germany, a blockchain hackathon featuring a healthcare Track. More info here.

Register to the list: https://bit.ly/2IHJ3GE




Founder @Positiveblockchain.io, Lead Europe @Verity Tracking. Blockchain for SDG, climate, social impact