A Freelance Professional Copywriter’s Skills

Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

If someone enjoys using language and has a way with words, does that make them good at professional copywriting? Not necessarily. The professional copywriter needs a lot more than strength in language to be able to grow and sustain a career in this field. Let’s have a look at the skills you’ll need to develop over time to thrive as a freelance writer.

The main skills a freelance professional copywriter needs are:

  • Writing
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Strategy and research
  • Project management
  • Freelance operations and management
  • Personal branding and marketing
  • Ongoing learning
  • Self-care


Writing skills are not just about putting words together. You will need to learn the different types of copywriting, and how copywriting works in tandem with other types of writing. This means being able to identify which approach is needed, and how to execute it for each piece of copy. In addition, you’ll need to know how words and visuals work together. Writing skills also involve being able to switch tones and approaches based on which brand you’re writing for; you could be writing for a cult beauty brand today, and a pharmaceutical company tomorrow. There’s also the whole writing process, from brainstorming and free writing, to drafts, iterations, and revisions.

Editing and proofreading

Copywriters are often called on to edit and proofread existing writing. You will need to know which style guides are out there and how to use them, common language conventions, and how to work with your clients’ brand or language guidelines. It’s also useful to learn how to proofread and catch errors in a short amount of time.

Strategy and research

A pro copywriter needs to be aware of how to support a marketing strategy with written content, and how copy fits into big-picture business and brand goals. This may also include audience, brand, and market research, conducting interviews, setting interview questions, and consumer testing.

Project management

Even the best writers need to learn how to manage projects efficiently. You’ll need to know how to work with a limited brief from a client, how to ask the right questions, interpret client feedback, stick to timelines, guide your clients as needed, and deal with conflict. This also means learning when to push for something, and when to step back and let go.

Freelance operations and management

These functional skills are often-forgotten and can be boring, but are inevitable. From business structure options to tax obligations, you’ll need to develop basic skills to keep operations flowing smoothly.

Personal branding and marketing

Learning how to position yourself as a freelance professional copywriter, grow your business, and establish a reputation, are essential for a rewarding career in this field.

Ongoing learning

Whether you’re an expert in a few select industries or a generalist copywriter, you will need to develop a structured plan to keep your knowledge current and updated. This means building ongoing learning into your work.


A freelance professional copywriting career can take its mental toll at times. From difficult clients to financial uncertainty, there are potential situations which, if not managed, can have a detrimental effect on your physical and mental health. You will need to learn how to cope, what you can do, and how you can build support systems.

If you’ve decided that freelance professional copywriting is for you, what should you do next?

  1. Start learning. This can either be a formal course or programme, or reading and resources to learn in your own time. Make sure you’re learning all the eight skills needed.
  2. Work on pro-bono projects. Start small, help a friend with a website or a charity with a fundraising letter. These are ways to get into the mindset and practice.
  3. Become a more discerning reader. When you read anything, read it from the copywriter’s point of view. Go through the eight skills above and practise them as you read.

Read the rest of this series

What does a professional copywriter do?

Who can become a freelance copywriter?

Why become a freelance professional copywriter?

Or, learn with us.

