Why become a freelance professional copywriter?

Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

A freelance professional copywriter’s work is rewarding, intense, interesting, and demanding. There are some very good reasons — and some bad reasons — for choosing this as a career. Let’s look at three bad reasons and three good reasons to consider this line of work.

Most people can write, many can write well enough, but very few can write really well — so your copywriting expertise will hold you in good stead.

Bad reason #1: It’s the dream job — it’s all about sitting with your laptop at an indie coffee shop or being a digital nomad and working at the beach

The perfect ‘writers’ lifestyle’ isn’t just what you see on envy-inducing social media posts. While you can have many happy hours working at cafés or resorts, there are also tight deadlines that may make you miss social or family events, clients who don’t pay on time, writing projects that seem to drag on forever, and the dreaded writer’s block. Bring a freelance professional copywriter is like having any other job: there are good days, and there are bad days. It’s not all indie coffeehouses and flexible hours, so it’s important to make an informed decision about this career path.

Bad reason #2: It’s the perfect job for people who love writing

Sure, you may love language and words, but in the middle of a writing project when you simply cannot think of what to write and have a deadline looming, your command of the language may fail you entirely. Sometimes, even your most creative and inspired pieces may be rejected by clients; at other times, you’ll make so many revisions that the words you write may seem meaningless. Writing as a professional means you can’t afford to wait for inspiration; you have to write even when you don’t feel like it, and a love of writing may quickly turn to frustration.

It’s not all indie coffeehouses and flexible hours, so it’s important to make an informed decision about this career path.

Bad reason #3: It’s easy money

Freelance professional copywriters may seem to charge high rates, but it’s not always what it seems. First of all, the landscape is competitive, and it takes expertise, experience, and a specialist niche to command high fees. Secondly, it’s not just about the time you put into writing — there’s research, planning, strategy, and project management involved in each job you do. And finally, you don’t get paid for the time you put into building your freelance business and growing your network; that’s a payoff you will only see in the future. It’s important to be aware of the reality that there’s a lot of hidden work in every copywriting project.

Writing as a professional means you can’t afford to wait for inspiration; you have to write even when you don’t feel like it.

Good reason #1: It’s a viable second or backup career

With effort and commitment, freelance professional copywriting career can be a wise move for someone who wants to work with language and communication. Portfolio careers are a useful way to mitigate the risks of an uncertain economy, and this is a career that can lead to additional income. If you are able to develop a good reputation and build a network, there is a strong potential for a full-time career in freelance professional copywriting.

Good reason #2: It’s an essential skill

Being able to write effectively is an essential, transferable skill. Professional copywriting expertise is more necessary than ever today, with digital content becoming one of the main drivers of brand and business growth. An expert copywriter can give a brand crucial competitive advantage, but can also shape internal communication or influence how people see a policy. Most people can write, many can write well enough, but very few can write really well — so your copywriting expertise will hold you in good stead.

Being able to write effectively is an essential, transferable skill.

Good reason #3: It’s a valuable add-on to industry or domain expertise

Many people who are experts in their own industries — from engineers and biochemical scientists to chefs, sommeliers, and artists — can give their careers a boost by being able to write effectively. Whether you are running your own website or blog, or you’re aiming to become an industry specialist writer in your field, professional copywriting skills can help you to add to your skills within your existing job scope.

Read the rest of this series

A freelance professional copywriter’s skills

Who can become a freelance copywriter?

What does a professional copywriter do?

Or, learn with us.

