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New and improved bike routing, with low stress options

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Alex Wilton on 23 August 2017.

Bicyclists ride to commute, to exercise, for sport, for leisure. But no matter the reason, most cyclists will ride on the road…

Increasing Name Translations in Who’s On First

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Nathaniel Douglass , Stephen Epps on 22 August 2017.

This summer, Mapzen embarked on a large project to quantify and visualize name translation coverage in Who’s On First…

Redesigning and Rebuilding the Who’s On First website

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Scott Dombkowski on 28 July 2017.

My name is Scott and I am an intern on the Mapzen data team this summer. I am also pursuing a graduate degree at the Carnegie…

Ladders for Leaders, Summer 2016

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Lily He on 17 August 2016.

Thunder roars, lightning claps, and rain pours down from the cloudy sky. Seeing several Mapzen developers gather by the window, I join to gauge the severity of the…

Intern Report — Ladders for Leaders

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Elizabeth Williams on 17 August 2015.


I’m Elizabeth, and I’ve been interning at Mapzen’s NYC office for the past six weeks. I discovered Mapzen and its…