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Make Your Own

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Fun with Tangram filtering

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by John Oram on 11 August 2017.

The great advantage of vector tiles is the ability to filter data and change the style of your map on the fly. We’ve all seen maps that show just metro routes and bike lanes —…

Lots of Dots

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Rhonda Friberg on 05 January 2017.

Hello! And a warm welcome back to another installment of Make Your Own [ ].

I hope you had a chance to drink eat too much, argue visit with family and generally enjoy…

Interactive Mapping with Tangram

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Rhonda Friberg on 14 December 2016.

Hi there.

We’re back with another installment of Make Your Own [ ].

Put A Label On It

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Rhonda Friberg on 29 November 2016.

Hello again!

We’re back with the fourth installment of Make Your Own [ ]. Today, we’ll be focusing on how to add labels to your map using mapzen.js and the…

Filters and Functions

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Rhonda Friberg on 14 November 2016.

Welcome back! This is our third installment of a new series that we are calling Make Your Own. If you’ve missed the last two, I recommended giving those a read, as they lay the…

Map Sandwich

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Rhonda Friberg on 04 November 2016.

Welcome back! In last week’s post, One Minute Map, I walked you through how to get a simple map up on the web in just one minute using mapzen.js. This week, as promised, I’m here to show you…

One Minute Map

This post was originally published on mapzen.com by Rhonda Friberg on 26 October 2016.

Back in July, we mentioned that we were testing a new library to simplify the process of displaying Mapzen’s signature maps (like Bubble Wrap, Walkabout, and Tron 2.0) on the web. Today we…