Behind the idea: the Self-Management Network

Guita Gopalan
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2017


Week 2 at the Lead Wise Academy, Practical Self Management Intensive: the Social Contract.

I first encountered the “social contract” concept in sociology class. We learned that social contract referred to to the explicit voluntary agreement an individual makes to the institution (i.e. king, government, rule of the majority). Read more on that here. This concept has been theorized and effected in history as a constitution wherein individuals give up and exercise rights within its bounds.

In self-management, a social contract is infinitely simpler. Susan Basterfield defined the social contract as an agreement of “how we ‘want to be’ with each other.” It outlines our expectations of ourselves and our peers.

This week’s project was to create a social contract with our team members.

My team mate, Yves Cavarec had an awesome idea. Why not ship out our social contract to a wider network and see who responds? So we decided to make a website and a video to carry our social contract out in to the world. We will post an update in a few days to share what happens.

Making a Social Contract:



Guita Gopalan

Dream: employ a million people. Stuff I Do: The Future of Work. Worker-Owned Business. Lean StartUp. Customer Success & Experience. Impact Entrepreneurship