3 Silent Signs Why Your Child Hates You: Why You’re Not A Good Parent

The reasons why most children don’t tell their parent secrets.

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Practice in Public
7 min readJul 14, 2023


Photo by Jannis Lucas on Unsplash

Most kids out there don't tell their parents little secrets about themselves, unless they’re cool friends. They are afraid of being judged and seen as bad kids . . . in fact, most parents claim to know their children and are disgraced to later find out that they know little or nothing about their kids.

Many times as I have seen, many children don't get along with their parents very well. They fear them especially their dad and sometimes wonder what they can do to be closer to their parents.

My father is always busy and many times he comes home tired...the last time I talked to my father was a very long time ago.

In this busy world it is difficult as a child to commune and fellowship with your love ones. Always busy at work or doing something else. Who knows for another time to earn money.

Money is the bone of contention when it comes to most home happiness

Most of our children are dying. Some live in self-doubt and isolated area having reasons to end it all. That self-isolated area am talking about is about self, Within, core, in the mind, sink deep into the unseen feets or rigorous untilled pains that may take a long time to heal. Many again if not more have the consciousness of nobody is there to help them. To hear from their own pains.

All I wish is for my parents to give me some time even if it is 10 minutes a week.

Some kids who have parents go into crime and end up dying and wasting their precious life without reasoning or thinking about it.

Many kids did that because there was someone out their who was willing to pay attention to them. Help them and patiently listen what they struggle with, without setting rules to punish and judge them like so many parents out there and here do.

This is absurd but a sincere plane truth. Even you can't deny it. Therefore, they eventually find themselves in the hands of people who may have other wise never had met them, helping them to kill their future.

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Life is bad and good. Depending at which edge you stand. Seeing through the vantage point. Thinking about this we can purely say, that's what is running from the minds of many kids.

So many homes today are tied into the rat race. Believe me I am not writing this to blackmail our mums and dads but to only point out something they may find intriguing. Something we children crave for. I know is not our parents’ fault.

I know what they go through to bring money and give us the best education they may never have had. This too is annoying to know, no wonder why I can see their bitterness coming deep or speaking about certain things about their background. Understanding this is so complex that I couldn’t actually know what I can pen.

So I decided to focus on three basic things have come to understand as a growing child why most kids may not trust their parents.

Why It Matters To Kids

Most of our kids don't see their parents as friends nor do they even see them as PARENTS too. Many children and kids right now suffer from loneliness, depression, and emotional turmoil. They battle with life in so many complex ways in this digital world where everything is gotten in split of micro-seconds.

They study their parents unconsciously and have find ways, look for ways to build trust with their parents only to find out that some thing is missing and that missing part can only be replaced by their parents.

I lost faith in my parents when I found out who they truly are . . . it was saddened from that day so many things changed . . . things have never been the same...I can hardly talk to my parents . . .

The painful truth in most, if not all, parents are not aware about this attitude, characters, lifestyle, ways, modis operandi they portray daily. Most think since it is the general accepted standard, since everyone does it in their homes and raise quality and good children in the society it is worth to follow that example.

They forget to know times change everything that each child is unique to its core.

Most parents are just an example of being everyone. Thus, when their children find this immatured attitude and characters displayed daily on how they even handle matters consigning them, they become so afraid that they live their parents and sell their trust and worries to someone out there who is willing to help.

The 3 Basic Signs That Children Don’t Trust Their Parents

1)Most of Our Parents Are Talkatives:

My mum talks a lot. Last time I told her a secret of mine and my best friend. I was so sad when I heard it from a friend of hers named . . . forgetting that she even shouted and publicly say it out whenever I made her angry . . . as if that was not enough she talked about it everytime . . . but she promised never to say it out and I lost trust from her. It was so sad to say it. I will never forgive her for that reason alone!

It is so sad that many of our parents (both mum & dad) talk and gossip a lot. Most of our parents promise us a whole lot of things. At first it was a joke when we started seeing those signs showing the red flags but we kept telling them until we couldn’t do it anymore. The trust was broken.

Most of our parents are not good Secret keepers. They even take pride in talking about the quarrels they have with their spouses. They talk a lot, complain a lot, nag and champion anything that breeds gossip.

Therefore, whenever a kid notices these kinds of traits, he or she gradually leave his parents bosom to search where he can be comfortable to trust people who will not disgrace and judge him.

Children are good observers, hence when they find out who their parents her they are liable to lock up, after all what is the use of telling your parents when they will say it out to the public, when secret are not kept secret. Then friends laugh at you, scorn and throw all sorts of insults and jokes about your secret. That is not fair. Truly, our parents needs to pick up!

They should!

2)Our Parents Never Had Trust In Themselves

"My Dad lie a lot...most times if not ninety percent of the times, my mum never believes him. Especially when it comes to the topic about money and his love affairs. This makes them quarrel and fight all the time making my mum to cry. Is so sad to see it happen. My parents having trust issues. I wonder why they got married at first..."

As a child I saw my mum and dad quarrel but not all the time. Most quarrels where basically for my school things which my dad is supposed to be in support off. This made me sad thinking my parents never loved each other at first.

Relating this to children who see their parents fight all the time, all in the name of not believing (trust) each other makes kids lose faith in their parents. After all, the children would think one day, if my parents do not trust each other why should I trust them. Why should I tell them about myself. Why should I even pour myself out to them. This makes children to seek for alternative measures to search and seek for who to trust thereby heading in the wrong directions.

In this time of life, it is hard to see good advisers and mentors.

Our parents should learn to trust themselves and in turn live up to that, not only when the kids are at home. Doing this helps raise children who would make people trust them in turn.

3) Your Neighbours, Friends and Family Don't Trust You

You can call me you son of a bitch! Really, that's a quiet truth, you don't want to be told and I get it. Besides I don't like hearing the truth.

My Mum's sister is usually afraid to tell her secrets she's dying to share, but No. She won't tell my mother because my mum don't know how to put up with secrets..."

"According to rumors my dad loss his respect when his circle found out that he shared what really bind them as friends...since then things had changed.

These stories are similar to what so many children tell their trusted friends about. Most of our parents had lost it all from their siblings and once trusted friends because of their loudmouth and attitudes.

This is especially noticed when our parents have little issues without realizing how far they have gone spilling and spitting everything they had ones shared and emotion about.

This has made so many of our parents suffer from loneliness during old age and die ones they retire. Most friends and school cliques are scattered all in the name of one person.

Notwithstanding, these traits are more common in our neighborhood where some of our parents side each other and reveal each others Secret to one another.

So sad to know about this coming from our parents.

These are the three signs which can make any kid not have faith and trust in their parents!

Thank you!

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God'sgift Oghale Amos
Practice in Public

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor"...to me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!