All The Things I’ve Learned In My First Month on Substack

And what I want to learn next

Karen Banes
Practice in Public


Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

One month ago I quit my blogs, put my domain names up for sale and started a new business model as an online creator, using three simple, free writing platforms.

One of them was a brand new platform for me: Substack. This was pretty exciting as I’ve been creating online for around 16 years, and it feels like it’s been a while since I got to play with something brand new.

If you already know your way around Substack, and are using it successfully, this probably isn’t the article for you. If you’re new to the platform, still considering whether it’s right for you, or on there but floundering, this might help.

I knew very little about the platform a month ago. But I signed up, made a plan for what I wanted to put in my weekly newsletter (and why), turned that into my About page, and started posting.

As with any new writing platform, there’s a learning curve. Here’s what I’ve learned so far.

  • Substack kind of acts as a blog, although a little like Medium, your ‘blog’ is actually your ‘publication’.
  • Every new post is emailed to your subscribers, so it also acts as a free newsletter, BUT, all your posts/newsletters are also available as an archive on…



Karen Banes
Practice in Public

Freelance writer sharing thoughts on life, society, creativity, and productivity.