“Unleashing the Power of Collaboration: How Chatgtp Can Transform Your Writing Process”

Collaboration is a superpower.

Practice in Public
3 min readDec 9, 2022


Pavel Danilyuk: Pexels.com

READ: I Am Done Writing Good Articles For Good.

Last week, I disagreed with another writer who was talking about how AI was going to take over the writing industry. This person cited statistics about how much money their company was making by using AI to generate articles in a short amount of time. While I still stand by my decision to challenge their views, I have since become a convert to AI and specifically, the collaborative tool Chatgtp. I am excited to share with other writers one exciting benefit of using this tool and how it can improve their writing process.

Let us start with: What you can use Chatgtp for:

. Chatgtp is a collaborative tool that can help writers generate ideas for topics and titles. Simply give it a topic that you want to write about and ask it to suggest catchy or trendy variants and subtitles. Chatgtp will then provide you with a list of options that you can use to inspire your writing.

. Are you stuck on a topic or just looking for some fresh ideas, Chatgtp can help you if you give a topic and ask for ideas. I like that too.

Michelangelo Buonarroti. Pexels.com

10 Good Girl Behaviours Patriarchy Taught Us.

. You write your article and ask it to RECONSTRUCT. Chatgtp will generate a revised version of your article, taking into account grammar, syntax, and flow. If you don’t like the changes that Chatgtp has made, you can click the “try again” button to get a different edit. This feature allows you to quickly and easily improve your writing, ensuring that your articles are polished and professional.

. Give it the task of spellchecking and editing your work and bam! Cheaper if you write all the time. (African writers like myself, approve)

. I also asked Chatgtp the benefits of argan oil, clove and rosemary mixed together for my daughter’s hair and it shared researches that said it was good. Basically, this isn’t just a writing tool. It is a tool that will go beyond Google in that it pools together articles and gives you the tea. I like that.

Benefit? Collaboration.

Write collaboratively with Chatgtp as tool to aid you. AI and tools like Chatgtp are here to stay, and as writers, we have to learn to adapt and make use of these technologies. It’s understandable to be angry and frustrated that AI can produce articles quickly and efficiently, while it can take us hours to write even a short piece. But rather than staying mad, we should embrace these tools and use them to our advantage. Whether you want to use it for good or for evil, the choice is yours. But one thing is certain: Chatgtp is here to stay, and it’s up to us to make the most of it.

Thank you for reading. Ps: Chatgtp RECONSTRUCTED everything I wrote here. Like it? I found it talks sooooo much about itself. Taking a simple line and just flying. Hmm.

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Practice in Public

Non-quitter. Writer. Speaker. Too tired for bullshit. Say Hi