Add a Leaderboard

Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies — by Tammy Coron (153 / 193)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


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What better way to motivate your players than with leaderboards. With leaderboards, players can see how their scores compare with other players around the world. In a game like Hog Dice, you may have leaderboards that rank players based on how many rolls it took to win the game or who has the most wins.

Each app can have up to 500 leaderboards. You can make leaderboards recurring, which means they reset after a set amount of time; or you can set up classic leaderboards that never expire; you can also mix and match. The types of leaderboards you create depends mostly on your game and its players.

For this example, you’ll set up a single “Most Wins” leaderboard that shows the players’ rankings from highest (most wins) to lowest (least wins) scores.

To add a new leaderboard, click the + button immediately to the right of the text that reads Leaderboards (0). After that, you’ll be prompted to select the type of leaderboard you want to add:


Select Classic Leaderboard by clicking the Choose button, which takes you to the Add Leaderboard page, where you can set up the following options:



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