Photo by Wendy Wright on Unsplash

June in Review

Catch Up on Articles from The Pragmatic Programmers

Margaret Eldridge
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3 min readJul 4, 2023


In June, we published some new book announcements, excerpts from books in beta and in print, articles from the PragPub archives, and articles by our authors.

Following are all the stories from June 2023. Thank you for reading!

Articles from Our Book Authors

Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

📚 Gotta Mock ’Em All! by Kenneth Kousen

📚 Taming a Silly Generic Warning by Kenneth Kousen

📚 The Secret to Productivity from Across the Globe by Staffan Nöteberg

📚 How Long Is a Pirate Flag? by Faraz Kelhini

📚 Five Promising Technologies to Watch by Mike Riley

📚 Eight Git Aliases That Make Me More Efficient by Ricardo Gerardi

Excerpts from Books

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

🔖 Fight Unplanned Work, the Silent Killer of Projects: An excerpt from Your Code as a Crime Scene, Second Edition by Adam Tornhill

🔖 Survive Writer’s Block: An excerpt from Technical Blogging, Second Edition by Antonio Cangiano

🔖 Compiling Your Go Application for Containers: An excerpt from Powerful Command-Line Applications in Go by Ricardo Gerardi

🔖Add Filters to Make Charts Interactive: An excerpt from Programming Phoenix LiveView by Bruce A. Tate and Sophie DeBenedetto

🔖 Checking a String for Specific Words with includes(): An excerpt from Text Processing in JavaScript by Faraz Kelhini

🔖 Explore Elixir Processes: An excerpt from From Ruby to Elixir by Stephen Bussey

PragPub Articles

PragPub magazine cover collage
Take a step back in history with the archives of PragPub magazine. The Pragmatic Programmers hope you’ll find that learning about the past can help you make better decisions for the future.

💾 Guru Meditation: Getting Past Agile Advanced Beginner by Andy Hunt, June 2011

💾 Fifty-Two Stories in Fifty-Two Weeks by Bruce Tate, March 2018

💾 Tips for Young Programmers …of All Ages by Antonio Cangiano, June 2016

