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Pragmatic Scala
Pragmatic Scala
Scala and functional programming for mortals.
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Local Variable Propagation with Monix Part 1

I have been using monix for over a year and a half in the projects I have been involved with and it has proven to be a reliable tool for developing reactive applications due to the stack safety guarantees it provides and the simplicity it offers for…

Functional Programming, Simpler Unit Testing Part 3

In the previous part of the series (Functional Programming, Simpler Unit Testing Part 2) I illustrated how we can use mocks and stubs to handle tests for functions that depend on objects that produce side effects. Now we are going to take a…

Functional Programming, Simpler Unit Testing Part 2

In Functional Programming, Simpler Unit Testing Part 1 I illustrated how we can use higher order functions and function composition in order to deal with methods that produce side effects and how we can test our code more efficiently by…