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Pramod Biligiri’s Blog
Pramod Biligiri’s Blog
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ListenableFuture vs CompletableFuture — a comparison

In my previous blog post I wrote about how Google Guava’s ListenableFuture is an improvement over Java 6’s Future class. But Java 8 ships with a CompletableFuture class that brings much of the same benefits into the standard Java API. The…

How is Google Guava ListenableFuture better than Java Future?

Google Guava’s concurrency classes provide some advantages over using Java’s default classes. Guava’s Futures offer the following benefits:

  1. You can add “listeners” to the result of a Future’s…

The feel of Java, and Go

In an article titled The Feel of Java (PDF), James Gosling, one of the language’s creators, explains the design choices which went into the making of that language. He states frankly that Java was not meant to be innovative, but instead tried to synthesize a few carefully chosen long…