So, You’re Working From Home… Here’s How to Do It

Praytell Agency
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2020

At Praytell, we’ve been refining and perfecting our work-from-home offerings for years, and we’ve learned a lot along the way. As many folks will be experiencing consistent WFH for the first time, we want to share some helpful tips we’ve picked up over the years. (Sadly no, it doesn’t involve watching reruns of The Office.)

  • Limit Distractions It can be tempting to do the dishes or throw in a load of laundry, but trying to add in home chores will distract you from what you really need to get done. It also takes away from your concentration. In the book, Organize Tomorrow Today, the authors talk about how allowing yourself to get distracted by chores, social media, IM’s, etc., makes your mind work hard at getting up to speed on the new task and then makes it work even harder when you try to click back, and that WILL take away your efficiency and focus.

Tip: Make your bed in the morning and allow yourself 15–30 minutes before you start your day to do a quick apartment/house cleanup. That’s a nice way to start the day.

  • Over-communicate to your Teams—They have less insight into what you are doing, so make sure they know if you’re going to be tied up in a meeting for a bit or going to a doctor’s appointment.
  • Video Connect! Try to schedule calls and brainstorms as video chats so that you build a deeper connection with folks and don’t lose that sense of togetherness.
  • Get Ready — When working from home, it’s important to force yourself to shower and for those who wear makeup, put some on. It will give you a boost for feeling your best and helping with motivation. There is something about not showering that makes us feel like it’s a sick day or a day to slack.
  • Set Boundaries — The people in your life will automatically mistake working from home as not working a full day or having down time. Let friends and family know that you can’t meet for lunch, coffee, shopping, etc. during the day because you’re still working a FULL day…just from home! (More relevant in non-pandemic times.)
  • The Set-Up Designate what will be your “office” — whether it’s a desk or kitchen table — and create an awesome setup with what you like, whether it’s a space heater, a blanket, a device that keeps your coffee warm, your pup next you, etc. … that way you won’t be tempted to cuddle up on the couch.
  • Create the To-Do List—Have your notebook handy to jot down your three most important to-do’s, highlight the one must and add in any calls/meetings. It’s also good to give yourself a time limit so you’ll stay on task.
  • Get Up and Move — You’ll likely be sitting more at home, so set up reminders to get up, stretch, get fresh air, etc.
  • Set Hours and Keep Them — It’s easy to start work too early or keep working too late when there is no commute home.

Sending everyone healthy wishes and lots of love!

Want to learn more about Praytell? Visit our website.

Read More: Guide for Socially Distanced Corporate Video Comms

