When I Was an Intern, by Marissa

A series by full-time Praytellers who began as interns. Meet Marissa, a full-time Junior Account Strategist in San Francisco who started as an intern…

Praytell Agency
4 min readAug 12, 2019


Name: Marissa Musso
Internship Period: Fall ’18 (Oct–Dec)
Location: San Francisco
Current Role: Junior Account Strategist

I applied to Praytell by…
After earning my Bachelor’s degree, a close family-friend and killer PR pro took me under her wing to help me with the daunting post-graduation job search. Although she shared a variety of options with me, I was most excited when she introduced me to Andy and Sanji at Praytell. The wide range of clients and the strong emphasis on company culture really enticed me from the get-go, and I was thrilled when they offered me a chance to intern here.

My first day was surprising because…
I was instantly welcomed (and introduced to the intense ‘Reply All’ culture) by more than one hundred friendly faces/avatars/slack handles right off the bat. I assumed my first day would involve meeting quite a few new people, but the kindness and encouragement I received from everyone was far beyond my expectations. The Praytellians seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me and helping me grow as a PR professional, which was an incredible feeling that motivated me throughout the experience.

I knew I was in the office too long when…
I met up with a friend for dinner after work one day, and I had actually created an agenda to talk through about our personal lives during the meal. I even added a ‘Quick Flags’ section with my schedule for following, and I sent her a legit calendar invite to schedule our next outing. I actually still do this once a week with my parents to keep them in the loop about everything I have going on.

I was (and still am) addicted to this Slack channel…
I love the ‘Overheard at Praytell’ Slack channel because it gives hilarious daily insights into the dynamic of each office (especially Austin). It’s fun to read about all the crazy things people catch in passing, and it gives me a good laugh in the middle of stressful days. The channel is a true testament to the culture here at Praytell — everyone is working their butts off to deliver top-notch service to clients, but we truly value camaraderie and some good old-fashioned fun to keep our spirits up and our creative juices flowing.

The most underrated office snack was…
We keep a few bags of Famous Amos cookies stashed in a cabinet near the recycling bin. I’m a huge chocolate love/sugar addict, so I loved that no one else in the office seemed to eat them except me. If I’m stuck in a rut or in need of a quick pick-me-up, those cookies always come in clutch.

The #1 overrated office snack was…
Unpopular opinion — I think La Croix is super nasty, unless being used as a mixer with vodka. Do drinks even count as snacks…?

I knew I wanted to work here full-time when…
A few weeks into my internship period, the SF office began bringing in a yoga instructor once a week for some team wellness and bonding. I had never done yoga before in my life, and wasn’t sure if I would be allowed to participate anyway since I was not a full-time team member. Not only did the team welcome and encourage me to join, they instantly made me feel like part of the family as we laughed and struggled to pull off the poses. Unlike past internships, at Praytell I was never made to feel “less than” because I was an intern. I knew I could see myself staying with Praytell for an extended amount of time after that day.

My advice to my past intern self would be…
Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine! I was a very shy intern at the start (even though IRL no one would ever use the term “shy” or anything synonymous to describe me). I mostly kept to myself and went about my tasks, afraid to overstep any boundaries or make a fool of myself and risk losing the respect of my coworkers. It took me a little while to realize that Praytell is different than your traditional corporate office setting: the people here are kind, fun, and equally excited about your weekend hobbies as they are your PR prowess. I’ve really been able to come out of my shell and develop both my professional and personal social skills during my time at Praytell, and I’m grateful for every challenge I encountered as an intern that helped me grow in my career.

Looking for an internship? Visit Praytell’s website to find out about openings in our internship program.

Read More: When I Was an Intern, by Trent

