When I Was an Intern, by Trent

A series by full-time Praytellers who began as interns. Meet Trent, a full-time Junior Account Strategist in LA who started as an intern…

Praytell Agency
3 min readAug 16, 2019


Name: Trent Hodson
Internship Period: May–August 2018
Location: Los Angeles
Current Role: Junior Account Strategist

I applied to Praytell by…
Reaching out to a Praytellian way back in 2017 through a mutual connection! Once I heard the name Praytell, I researched a tad more about the company and set up a quick informational phone call; a year later, I applied to Praytell by sending in my resume, cover letter, and writing test. Two weeks later, it was official — I’d be moving from rainy Seattle to sunny Los Angeles to start the summer internship!

My first day was surprising because…
Everyone stood up when I was introduced and started clapping. Let’s just say I’ve never felt more loved (or been a brighter shade of red) before from coworkers. Plus, the amount of office snacks was overwhelming in the best way possible. I remember thinking “no one will ever be hungry here!”

I knew I was in the office too long when…
I would reread an email about six times before comprehending what the point of the email actually was or the office lights would shut off. Time for a nap!

I was (and still am) addicted to this Slack channel…
#meanwhileinla. Los Angeles represent! All the hottest food chat happens here, plus after 4pm, it turns into a free-for-all of topics. Let’s not forget about the snack orders in this channel (like I said, no one goes hungry here): Diet Coke, kiwis, whatever you’d like. One rule only: bow down to the LA Snack Queen: Marisa.

The most underrated office snack was…
Saltines. Add some peanut butter, chocolate chips, maybe even a banana slice and you have an afternoon sweet treet. It pairs best with Peach-Pear LaCroix.

The #1 overrated office snack was…
Hot Cheetos. There are too many white-turned-red keyboards in this office because of them! But here’s the real question — to eat them with chopsticks, a spoon, or your hands?

I knew I wanted to work here full-time when…
I was challenged by my teammates each and every day. One of the most fulfilling aspects of a job is being able to learn and grow. About halfway through my internship, I realized this was truly happening at Praytell and I knew I didn’t want to be anywhere else.

My advice to my past intern self would be…
Know your worth! Don’t be afraid to speak up and offer your thoughts to a conversation. You’re more powerful than you think.

Looking for an internship? Visit Praytell’s website to find out about openings in our internship program.

Read More: A Week in the Intern Life: Puppies, Beers, and Teamwork

