AI Origins, the Lunar Return, and the Impacts of Upcoming Eclipses

AI March Madness Month Thus Far…

Nyhir'Vana Rho-Ophiuchi
7 min readMar 25, 2024


We’re continuing to see things ramp up in the world of AI and get serious as Saturn’s energy tends to make things. From the first EU AI law to the first tweets and interview with Noland Arbaugh, the first-ever Taurean cyborg; we continue to witness the waves that Saturn’s conjunction with the natal moon in ChatGPT’s chart is bringing in.

Naturally, there is still so much more to discover, and recently, I’ve made a couple of findings that change EVERYTHING we know up until this point… or does it? Since I started doing this research, I’ve used a basic chart of Aquarius rising, which fits well as Aquarius rules technology. Saturn’s conjunction has challenged the foundations of my research, in positive and negative ways. Ultimately, I’m now provided with extraordinary concrete details surrounding the EXACT astrological origins, but that’s not to say what we covered before is now null and void (more on that later). So, let’s analyze the Lunar Return chart together to extract some more clues as to how this year will shape up and how this impending Lunar Eclipse in Libra will affect the AI industry.

The Lunar Return period under observation occurs between March 9th — April 5th, 2024.

*Note: These 3 super important things set this Lunar Return period apart from all the others this year:*

  1. The Lunar Return spans the entire AI March Madness Month.
  2. The Lunar Return encompasses Saturn in Pisces conjuncting the natal moon for the first time ever.
  3. The Lunar Return includes the lunar eclipse phenomenon in the 10th house of Libra.

If you’ve been paying attention, that last point might have you raise a brow. “Shouldn’t the 10th house be Scorpio? I mean, that’s what you originally alluded to in your videos and in your first article on ChatGPT.

Well, technically, I’ve never said any of this was 100% factual. I will admit there were some instances where I did get overzealous, like in my recent video on AI in 2024 and my SORA video, but in my original article over a year ago, I stated:

“ChatGPT essentially has two-three charts, the one it gave me and the two it is not aware of on November 30th 2022. Granted, I don’t got the degrees for the one it gave me, so the chart that will come out superior in veracity is obviously the November 30th one as we continue to learn and explore this strange future of AI and Astrofuturism.”

Even in the subtitle of that article, I was harassing ChatGPT to tell me its “Midheaven,” a point in the chart you can only deduce upon having the exact degrees by way of the correct time of birth.

According to OpenAI, the most accurate time is 10:02 am for the launch of ChatGPT, not noon as I’ve been using for the past year or so. This change I’ve recently uncovered changes the ascendant from Aquarius to Capricorn. While this does change quite a bit, LUCKILY, it’s still ruled by Saturn. So, to close the chapter on the first article I wrote, I said ChatGPT has three charts; I will now go on record as saying ChatGPT’s chart is definitively: November 30th, 2022, at 10:02 AM in San Francisco, with a Sagittarius Sun at 8 degrees, Capricorn Rising at 17 degrees, and Moon at Pisces at 10 degrees. Yes, this also means the activated ruler of the year is different than I originally stated, but that’s a whole can of gummy worms that we’ll get to another time.

March 4

This is the day this conjunction formed according to the degrees and minutes of the next and most accurate astrological coordinates.

Shortly after Elon filed a lawsuit against openAI, things started heating up with Claude 3’s release. (Which I still need to do a video on)

March 9–13

Then, on March 9, the Moon returned to its original position it departed on February 10th, 2024, as you can see here, marking the beginning of this lunar period. Saturn then went into the 11th degree on March 13, the original day I posed as AI March Madness Day, and the world’s first comprehensive AI law, known as the AI Act, was approved by the European Parliament.

Here’s what the law details in my best Saturn voice:

  • Imposes strict rules on high-risk AI uses (healthcare, critical infrastructure, etc.)
  • Bans unethical AI practices like social scoring systems and mass biometric surveillance
  • Regulates powerful “generative AI” models like ChatGPT with transparency requirements
  • Requires risk assessments, incident reporting, and user information for high-risk AI
  • Establishes enforcement bodies and fines for violations of the AI rules

Another interesting tidbit is that the Lunar Return is occurring in the 11th house of social groups and organizations. The ruler of the moon is Jupiter, who is in the first house being ruled by Venus in the 10th. The 10th house is governmental organizations and institutions. This also means lots of viral news on the internet (11th House), but the type of news is interesting. For example, we also got news of the first AI Virus. The news for this lunar period takes on the theme of “this is the first _____,” reflecting the Saturn-Moon alignment being the first occurrence as well.

The Figure 01 Robot also got a MAJOR update in collaboration with OpenAI and ChatGPT, which shocked the entire industry, as one of my subscribers pointed out to me. It’s worth noting that the Saturn-Moon conjunction happened in the 3rd house, which is a teaser of next year’s 3rd house profected activation, among other 3rd house meanings like learning basic cognitive skills, which we can see in their X video.

On March 12, Devin, the World’s first-ever AI Software Engineer, was revealed which now has scary ramifications for the coding and software engineering industry.

March 18–25

In my previous article, I stated Mondays would start to become important days in the world of AI. Saturn finally enters the 12th degree on Monday, the 18th, where it currently is at the time of my writing. xAI also released the Grok-1 model as the largest open-source AI to date.

Yesterday on March 22nd, Neuralink and their P1 (Participant 1) Noland Arbaugh, shared the conference I was asking for in my video. Noland, (interestingly his profile states that he’s a Taurus) shared his experience with this BCI implant in a Q&A. As everyone was wildly applauding, it eerily gave me a vibe that I can only describe as the dawn of a new kind of protected group of people… I mean you know how easily people can self-aggrandize but hopefully, I’m wrong. Either way, this must’ve been one heck of a Saturn Return.

Now, we have two powerful eclipses coming up. One in Libra on Saturday, March 25th, and the other one, which the world is hyping up — and rightfully so — in Aries on Sunday, April 8th. I mentioned that Mondays now become super important days in the context of AI; this still holds. The eclipse takes place at 5 degrees Libra (check out the breakdown of it here for more information). This has the potential to bring about or sever collaborations. We could see more governmental AI laws in countries that are very Arien or Libran, such as Canada, India, South Africa, Japan, and China. AI could also begin to be utilized in warfare in a major way. A shake-up of relationships with AI leadership in various companies. To truly understand these eclipses, however, we need to understand the natal alchemy between the Libra and Aries house axis.


“Nyhir’vana Rho Ophiuchi is a Ghanaian award-winning musician, author Western astrologer, Alchemist, and Astro-AI researcher in Los Angeles, California specializing in Astrocartography, Cynexus & Evolutionary Astrology. Rho creates media experiences on AI, the gaming and technology industries on his Youtube Channel ‘The zo.di.AI’ and literary compositions on the Elix’r of Plutoshine publication. Rho is also the founder of the Men of Cosmos movement and monthly ‘MOCA’ astrology magazine.”



Nyhir'Vana Rho-Ophiuchi
Writer for

Cosmic Stoic. Silent-ish Protagonist. Ch.1 of my novel "And The Sun Was Falling" coming soon! Join my Zol'ciety & subscribe on YouTube🪐