Connect with Predict on LinkedIn

A. S. Deller
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2 min readOct 8, 2019

Greetings Predict readers!

Along with our Twitter and Facebook accounts you can now connect with us on LinkedIn. You will get new stories in your LinkedIn feed and be able to share with your connections on our third social media platform.

I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to publish a wide variety of superb articles over the past few weeks. Here are a few that I’ve found especially enlightening:

Discovery of First Exoplanet scoops 2019 Nobel Prize for Physics

The Future of Fashion

Beyond Our Solar System: On the Discovery of Exoplanets

How Asteroid Mining Will Pave the Way for Safe, Comfortable Space Exploration Vehicles and Even Space Colonies

We hope you enjoy our content. Feel free to start a discussion about our articles in the comments to this letter. Any questions? Please ask!

A. S. Deller, editor

A Note from our Founder, Eric Martin:

If you are a reader, we’d love for you to become a writer! Please send a sampling of your thoughts about the future or a common future topic (such as, but not limited to: artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), quantum computing, nanotechnology, self-driving cars, flying cars, robotics, automation, cryptocurrencies, computer-body interfaces, and living on Mars) to

Thank you for your continued support!

p.s. here’s our intro, and here’s our call for writers

“The world of exoplanets”, an artists impression. Credits: Public Domain



A. S. Deller

Science, tech, and futurist writer. You can support me as a writer by purchasing my novel "Talisman of Earth" here: