Light Constructs Sight | Thoughts Construct Senses | Neurons Wire to Construct Uniformity

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2 min readMay 26, 2022
Light and the Retina via Ruth Lawson

Sight is a construct of light. What is seen is light. Light constructs things and itself in the line of vision. Too much brightness sub-constructs what can be seen. Dimness does too.

Sight is a sense of light. There are visual details that include retinal rods and cones, but the umbrella of sight is light.

Sight is a sense, so how does the brain construct senses, or what uniformity does the brain construct for senses, or what build has neural binding for sensory integration?

Images of neuronal connections are popular, but what are those connections or synapses constructing?

There are buzzes and vibrating attachment/detachment in some of those motion images, showing that there is a construction factor of the connections.

Neuronal Connections via UCL

Connections, including those in studies that have shown neurons creating a memory, are similar.

However, how does anything come to be constructed to become a memory?

In the brain, senses are no longer what they were.

The house is known but of another construct. A sentence is known from the senses of sight [reading] and auditory [listening]. But they are not the same as words in the external.

All senses are integrated in the brain.

The integrated unit becomes what is relayed.

There is a pathway for this unit: knowing, feeling effects then reaction.

Knowing is the memory. So what goes to the memory is the uniform unit of integration.

It is this unit that is stored, then proceeds to where feeling effect are: pleasure, fear and so on.

It is proposed that the brain’s construct of senses is the uniform unit of sensory integration, which is thought or a form of thought.

The plane is in the physical, but a thought version of it travels across brain circuits, to know, feel and for reactions.

The uniform unit of sensory integration is elusive to current neuroimaging, so while vital, neuronal constructs of uniformity seems ignored.

Reflexes, like several other processes of neurons, submit uniformity. Neural regulations adjust around cycles of uniformity.

What is the responsibility of the construct of the brain in a psychiatric disorder?

When someone feels shame in private and hides, like the shame was public, how did the brain construct for that?

When someone breaks from reality speaking alone on the street, what construction failed?

In any neurologic condition, what is the role of the brain’s construct?




action potentials—neurotransmitters theory of consciousness