What Causes Autoimmune Diseases? Memory Role?

Published in
5 min readApr 9, 2022
Autoimmune Disease: Organs and Factors via NIEHS

In summary: The memory processes active and passive thoughts [in stores]. Every function has to be active once per cycle. If there is a function that is persistently active, beyond a regular time, others would remain passive longer without being active. Passive does not mean lack of function, but to be active is an important process check with the memory. This check could also be known as normality check, process knowledge and update. When missed, and if the immune system is affected, this may lead to errors, since it has lost touch with the memory on how it should work, then, in that moment the self-attack occurs.

During PS or REMS, despite continued parasympathetic activity, storms of sympathetic activity occur.”

This can be explained theoretically as passive thoughts becoming active, or autonomic regulation during sleep. If this is bypassed, or what should become active misses, it may become problematic, for whatever it affects.

Autoimmune diseases result from the confusion of the immune system. There is a good chance there was a superior confusion, before this subordinate confusion occurred.

Control of all systems happens in the brain, so at what centers or pathways could that confusion have come from?

General Theme

There is often a lack of balance — or more, when someone has not slept, or had a good sleep. There could be physical or bodily affect, there could also be cognitive with memory shortages, thoughts nubbiness or feelings immobilization.

This, easy to fix, provides a window into understanding how autoimmune diseases emerge. There is a popular cycle, body clock or circadian rhythm, known for day/night regulation. But there is also a superior cycle — determined by what the memory picks and gives.

The memory can demand rest or action based on situations, during the day or at night. The memory can also take a while to adjust to a new input rhythm based on a new location.

Obligations of the memory can be disregarded, ignored or countered, but if the regulation it determined was necessary at the time gets bypassed, some errors may begin or accrue.

Knowing things of different types, the memory has a uniform unit with which it stores information. This unit is likely the same as the unit of integration, at the thalamus, before relay to the cerebral cortex. It is proposed that this uniform unit is thought or a form of thought.

If there is an internal pain somewhere, it is possible to seek the area. If there is a sound from a direction, it is possible to try to determine which. Seeking or trying to know, is a thought process to clear or confirm memory predictions or thoughts. Knowing is the memory, how to know is thought.

What the memory gives is thought or a thought version of anything. So, with digestion, circulation, respiration, and so on, the memory has them stored and grouped as thought or its form.

This is the same with the external world, the memory has trees, the road, the vehicle, bag, chair and so on, as thought versions.

There are two major kinds of thoughts, active and passive. Active are the only thought allowed to be processed at any moment, though passive are numerous and interchange.

The memory regulates active and passive thoughts. Most processes function okay as passive thoughts but have to be active once or multiple times per cycle. Active thoughts are responsible for checks for normalcy of stores, changes or updates, and how they go to the destination for feeling effect, then reaction.

If the hand is in one spot for hours, it is passive in thought and may result in the memory writing out its activity like it is not there. This may affect how quickly it may respond to stimulus in a state of urgency.

It shows that the activity for normalcy and feeling had gone cold.

While every part of the body is in processes, they have to become active, going to their store in the memory, for registration, normalcy check, updates and feelings to record being okay.

It is possible to explain that temporal numbness, sometimes, at some part of the body, is removal of active thought to passive, or what was active became passive. So while it is still there, it does not have the same impact. In some cases, temporal numbness could affect internal processes, so that one part that should be as active isn’t. If this affects the immune system, it may go awry momentarily.

Why autoimmune diseases may happen, per memory

Since the memory regulates active and passive thoughts, when a set is overly active or another is overly passive it affects others or when they should be active from passive.

A disconnection ensues between how the memory stored and knows how they should function and how they function when they miss their sequence of checks as active thought.

This may lead to malfunction or error.

Why is this likely?

In an intense state of sadness, it is possible to lack the energy to do anything, or sense much — hunger, temperature, and so on. It is not that those functions are absent, but feeling effect at that destination has taken so much constancy and attention that {functional efficiency tell} from the memory for other processes gets skipped.

Therefore the lack of feeling or energy is a temporal malfunction, which could lead to damage or worse if it persists.

Memory regulation of what it stores is important across cycles. When there is too much activity too long somewhere, the cost is elsewhere, and if the lack of check affects the immune system, autoimmune disease may occur, causing irreversible damage.

In the cases it is genetic, it may be tough to trace the origin when it is multigenerational, but when it is a first generation problem, it may have happened by an active thought miss, then the memory picked up the error, encoded with genes and passed on.

This is a proposal of the possible role of the memory in causing autoimmune disease — it is worth investigating towards prevention and improved care.

