Search Engines Are Dead. Right?

The Impact of AI on the Future of Search Engines

Tristan Wolff


Image by the author & Midjourney

With the rise of AI, it’s easy to assume that traditional search engines are becoming obsolete. OpenAI’s recent announcement that it will introduce plugins for ChatGPT only seems to confirm this notion, heralding a new era of machine-human interaction that could revolutionize the way we search the web.

But are things really so clear-cut?

While AI is undoubtedly changing the game, traditional search engines still serve an important purpose. In this article, we’ll explore the possible synergies between traditional search engines and AI, and examine how these technologies are shaping the next generation of search.

A Brave New World of Search: The LLM-Plugin Revolution

When it comes to searching for information on the Internet, search engines are like a trusted old friend. They’ve guided us through the digital wilderness all these years, helping us find everything from cat videos to vegan kebab stores nearby to weird science facts.

But there’s this hip new thing: large language models (LLM).

